
关于”过去进行时“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The past continuous tense。以下是关于过去进行时的四年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”过去进行时“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The past continuous tense。以下是关于过去进行时的四年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The past continuous tense

Last weekend, when I arrived at Jane's house, Jane was listening to the radio. Her mother was cleaning the room. Jane's brother was watching TV, her sister was writing, and her father was reading a newspaper.

They gave me a friendly welcome, then Jane's mother was preparing dinner, and Jane and I went to her room to discuss some issues.




The Past Progressive Tense


The past progressive tense is used to express an ongoing action that was happening at a specific time in the past. It is formed by using the past tense of the auxiliary verb "to be" (was/were) and the present participle form of the main verb.

过去进行时用于表达在过去某个特定时间发生的持续性动作。它由助动词"to be"(was/were)的过去时形式和主动词的现在分词形式构成。

For example:


1. I was studying when she called me.


2. They were playing football while it was raining.


3. He was sleeping when the alarm clock rang.


In all these sentences, the actions were happening at a specific time in the past and were still ongoing.


It is important to note that the past progressive tense is often used to describe interrupted actions in the past. This means that another action happened in the middle of the ongoing action, interrupting it. The action that interrupted is usually described using the simple past tense.


For example:


1. I was cooking dinner when the phone rang.


2. She was watching TV when her friend arrived.


In these examples, the ongoing actions (cooking dinner/watching TV) were interrupted by the ringing phone/arrival of a friend.


Overall, the past progressive tense is used to describe ongoing actions that were happening at a specific time in the past, and it is often used to describe interrupted actions.


Past Continuous Tense: A Personal Experience


Last summer, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to travel to France. It was an incredible experience for me. During my time there, I was constantly amazed by the beauty and charm of the country.


While I was exploring the streets of Paris, I couldn't help but notice the elegant architecture and the vibrant atmosphere. It seemed like every corner had a story to tell. As I walked along the Seine River, I observed the locals enjoying picnics and playing music. The city was alive with activity.


While I was visiting the Louvre Museum, I was captivated by the iconic painting, Mona Lisa. The museum was filled with masterpieces from renowned artists. I spent hours admiring the brushstrokes and the attention to detail in each painting.


During my trip to the French countryside, I had the opportunity to stay in a charming little cottage. The scenery was breathtaking, with rolling hills and picturesque landscapes. While I was hiking in the countryside, I could hear the birds chirping and the sound of the wind rustling through the trees.


While I was enjoying a leisurely bike ride through the vineyards of Bordeaux, I stumbled upon a local winery. The owner kindly invited me in for a tour and a tasting. As I was savoring the flavors of the different wines, I couldn't help but appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes into producing such an exquisite drink.


Overall, my trip to France was a memorable experience. The past continuous tense allowed me to describe the ongoing actions and experiences I had during my time there. It added a sense of liveliness and vividness to my recount of the journey.


Whether it was exploring the streets of Paris, admiring artworks in the Louvre, or enjoying the scenic beauty of the countryside, each moment was filled with wonder and fascination.


Traveling not only allows us to discover new places but also enables us to immerse ourselves in different cultures. It broadens our horizons and creates lasting memories. I am grateful for the opportunity to have experienced all that France has to offer.



fortunate - 幸运的

opportunity - 机会

amazed - 惊讶的

beauty - 美丽

charm - 魅力

elegant - 优雅的

architecture - 建筑

vibrant - 充满活力的

corner - 角落

story - 故事

observe - 观察

locals - 当地人

picnics - 野餐

alive - 充满活力的

captivated - 迷住的

painting - 画作

masterpiece - 杰作

renowned - 知名的

admiring - 欣赏

brushstrokes - 笔触

attention to detail - 细节注意

scenery - 风景

breathtaking - 令人惊叹的

rolling hills - 起伏的山丘

picturesque - 风景如画的

landscapes - 风景

hiking - 徒步旅行

chirping - 鸣叫

rustling - 沙沙声

vineyards - 葡萄园

stumbled upon - 偶然发现

kindly - 亲切地

exquisite - 精致的

leisurely - 从容不迫地

tasting - 品尝

hard work - 辛勤努力

dedication - 奉献精神

memorable - 难忘的

ongoing - 持续的

liveliness - 活力

vividness - 生动性

recount - 叙述

traveling - 旅行

immense - 沉浸

broadens our horizons - 拓宽我们的视野

lasting memories - 持久的回忆

grateful - 感激的

offer - 提供





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