




The reason why I study English is, first of all, because of its importance. It is a widely used language in the world. Secondly, it is an auxiliary means for us to learn high technology from advanced developed countries.

Thirdly, I am proud to introduce China and its achievements in recent decades to the world in English. English is a compulsory course in our middle school, and I believe that learning English is the most practical The way is to read English news, listen to English radio programs and watch English TV channels. When I immersed in the environment, I found learning English is a kind of enjoyment.




At the end of the joint examination, the reporter can always get an interesting answer from the graduates: "now, what I want to do most is to burn my textbooks and papers." it seems that few students have other ideas. In addition to calculating the total number of all the examination papers in three years, this is an amazing number. Really, such an amazing number not only harms students' health, but also harms them first Their social development and overburdened exams are destroying students' health every day.

What they do is to stay at home and study, and they have no time for regular exercise, which is an essential part of keeping healthy. They don't have enough sleep every day, which reduces their resistance to diseases and worries about endless examinations, and students lose their appetite even in the middle of the year From then on, many students will not be able to relax because of their short sleep in the college entrance examination. Perhaps, he would rather pursue high scores than deep friendship.

He may take it for granted that improving grades is more important than caring about the surrounding environment. What's more ridiculous is that the so-called "excellent student" can refer to a person with dedication, who has high scores but ignores the interests of the class. His young world seems to be built on the basis of examinations and grades, and his grades are already deep Of course, the proverb "get without work" is undoubtedly correct.

It is too expensive to enter a good school at the expense of healthy body and social consciousness.




The first / first and most important is / first / first / first in the second place / the second most important is / continue / second / third / last but not least / third / on the one hand for one thing / for another / because / because / because / because / because of this / therefore / result / result for example / as an example / explain beyond / further / further / more / amount External but / at the same time / however / in any case / even so: the official guide to the opposite of the new TOEFL undermines reliability because it points out that everyone may have different views on it, and for me, honesty, in other words, always tells me, although I would like to see people's altruistic, understanding, thoughtful and loyal behavior, an example of the official guide to the opposite of the new TOEFL.







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