




Possible Jiangsu College Entrance Examination English Writing Prompt:



要求:1. 词数不少于120;

2. 参考的提示,发挥想象,切勿抄袭。

参考词汇:ization (城市化), population explosion (人炸), traffic congestion (交通堵塞), environment degradation (环境恶化), sustainable development (可持续发展)

Possible Jiangsu College Entrance Examination English Writing Sample:

The Future of Urban Life

As a student of anthropology this semester, I have explored the history and trends of development. Looking into the future, I believe that cities will undergo profound changes that require both adaptation and innovation.

One major challenge of the future is ization, as more and more people move to cities seeking economic opportunities and social mobility. However, this population explosion can lead to overcrowding, housing shortages, and traffic congestion, which not only affect the quality of life but also exacerbate environmental problems, such as pollution and waste.

To address these challenges, we need to adopt a holistic and sustainable approach to development. This involves promoting public transportation, green spaces, and renewable energy, as well as reducing waste and emissions. It also requires empowering local communities and promoting social equity, while protecting cultural heritage and historical landmarks.

As a citizen of the future, I believe that we also have a role to play in shaping the landscape. We can engage in civic partition, advocacy, and innovation, to ensure that our cities are not only livable but also enjoyable, creative, and inclusive. We can also embrace new technologies, such as augmented reality, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence, to enhance our experiences and interactions with the environment.

In conclusion, the future of life is both challenging and exciting. By embracing sustainable development, social equity, and innovation, we can create cities that are not only functional but also beautiful, inspiring, and resilient.


An Essay about Jiangsu

Jiangsu is a province located on the eastern coast of China. It is famous for its rich history, beautiful landscapes, and vibrant economy. With a population of over 80 million people, Jiangsu is one of the most populous provinces in China.


One of the major attractions in Jiangsu is the city of Nanjing, which was once the capital of China. Nanjing is known for its historical sites, such as the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum and the Confucius Temple. The city is also home to several universities and research institutions, it a center for education and innovation.


Another famous city in Jiangsu is Suzhou, often referred to as the "Venice of the East" due to its beautiful cs and gardens. Suzhou is known for its classical gardens, which are recognized as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. These gardens are a perfect blend of nature, architecture, and art.


In terms of economy, Jiangsu is one of the most developed provinces in China. It has a strong manufacturing and export industry, with many multinational companies setting up their factories in cities like Suzhou and Wuxi. Jiangsu also has a flourishing agricultural sector, producing a variety of crops and seafood.


Jiangsu has a great cultural heritage as well. It is the birthplace of many famous Chinese scholars, poets, and artists. The province has a long history of traditional arts and crafts, such as silk production, embroidery, and clay figurines. These traditional crafts continue to be cherished and passed down through generations.


In conclusion, Jiangsu is a province that offers a perfect blend of history, culture, and economic prosperity. Its beautiful cities, rich cultural heritage, and strong economy make it a popular destination for tourists and investors alike.



江苏是中国东部沿海的一个省份。It is a province located on the eastern coast of China.

它以丰富的历史、优美的风景和蓬勃发展的经济而闻名。It is famous for its rich history, beautiful landscapes, and vibrant economy.

江苏省有超过八千万人口,是中国人口最多的省份之一。With a population of over 80 million people, Jiangsu is one of the most populous provinces in China.

江苏的一个主要景点是南京市,它曾经是中国的首都。One of the major attractions in Jiangsu is the city of Nanjing, which was once the capital of China.

南京以其历史遗迹而闻名,如明孝陵和孔子庙。Nanjing is known for its historical sites, such as the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum and the Confucius Temple.

江苏另一个著名的城市是苏州,由于其美丽的运河和园林而被称为“东方的威尼斯”。Another famous city in Jiangsu is Suzhou, often referred to as the "Venice of the East" due to its beautiful cs and gardens.

在经济方面,江苏是中国发达的省份之一。In terms of economy, Jiangsu is one of the most developed provinces in China.

江苏还有着丰富的文化遗产。Jiangsu has a great cultural heritage as well.

总之,江苏是一个融合了历史、文化和经济繁荣的省份。In conclusion, Jiangsu is a province that offers a perfect blend of history, culture, and economic prosperity.






My Hometown

My hometown is located in the southern part of Jiangsu Province. It has a long history and brilliant culture. The weather in my hometown is distinct in four seasons, with warm springs, hot summers, cool autumns, and cold winters. Especially in spring, everywhere is filled with green plants and bright flowers, which makes people feel very comfortable.

My hometown also has many delicious foods. The most famous ones are the "crab yellow buns" and "minced meat rice." These foods attract numerous tourists to come and taste them. Moreover, my hometown also has many historical sites and scenic spots, such as "Tiger Hill," "Humble 's Garden," and "Lingering Garden." They are all unique in style and make people linger on.

I love my hometown because it is full of beautiful memories and happy lives. Whenever I leave it, I always miss its scenery and people. I believe that in the future, my hometown will become more beautiful and prosperous.





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