
关于”续写10篇“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Translate text into English: Continue writing 10 articles。以下是关于续写10篇的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”续写10篇“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Translate text into English: Continue writing 10 articles。以下是关于续写10篇的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Translate text into English: Continue writing 10 articles

I heard a voice in my heart. They affected me. They were very noisy.

They said to me that you gave up everything for your brother with your principles and your kindness to prove that you are right. When your principle gradually broke, you began to give up your kindness. I have a voice, that is, my savior hate becomes love, love fades my voice, that is courage and strength.

I hear brothers I see the heroes stand up again. I remember his mother's teaching me that I feel happy and sublimated. They told me that they told my brother that I could do what my mother asked me to do, and I would say to you that they told me that they told me to love all the paralysis, that it was over.

I just want a good mother, you have your faith, you will open others, I see the light copy The voice I see calls for me to feel a kind of power.



万能作文模板2:将文本翻译成英文: 继续撰写10篇文章

The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. We have many traditions. First, we clean the house to sweep away the bad luck.

Then we paint the doors and windows red, which means good luck. The family has a big meal. We eat dumplings on New Year's Eve.

There are usually firecrackers at midnight. Parents and grandparents give us new year's gifts, usually new clothes or lucky money. On New Year's day, we put on new clothes to visit relatives and friends.




1. Title: A Memorable Trip


Last summer, my family and I embarked on a memorable trip to Beijing. We had heard so much about the city, and we were excited to explore its historical sites and experience its vibrant culture.

Upon arrival, we headed straight to the magnificent Great Wall. As we hiked along the ancient structure, we marveled at the breathtaking view of the surrounding mountains. The history and ingenuity behind the Great Wall left us in awe.

We also visited the iconic Forbidden City, where we were transported back in time to the Ming and Qing dynasties. The regal architecture and intricate details of the palace complex truly showcased the grandeur of imperial China.

Another highlight of our trip was tasting Beijing's famous cuisine. From Peking duck to dumplings, we indulged in a variety of local treats. The flavors were rich and distinct, and we couldn't resist trying everything Beijing had to offer.

In the evenings, we wandered through the bustling streets of Beijing, soaking up the energy and immersing ourselves in the local culture. We watched traditional performances like Peking Opera and even tried our hand at Chinese calligraphy.

As our trip came to an end, we reflected on the incredible memories we had made in the historic capital. Beijing had surpassed our expectations and left us with a deep appreciation for its rich history and vibrant culture.







2. Title: An Unexpected Adventure


It was a sunny day, and my friends and I decided to go hiking in the nearby mountains. Little did we know that this hiking trip would turn into an unexpected adventure.

As we followed the trail up the mountain, we noticed a path veering off into the dense forest. Curiosity got the better of us, and we decided to explore it. We soon found ourselves surrounded by towering trees and the sounds of chirping birds.

The path led us to a hidden watell, cascading down into a crystal-clear pool. The sight was breathtaking, and we couldn't resist the temptation to take a dip. The cool water was refreshing, and we spent the afternoon swimming and diving under the watell.

As the sun began to set, we realized that we had lost track of time and the trail. Panic started to set in, but we managed to keep calm and think logically. We decided to retrace our steps and find our way back to the main trail.

After what felt like hours of walking through the forest, we finally stumbled upon the familiar trail. Exhausted but relieved, we made our way back down the mountain, vowing to never wander off the trail again.

This unexpected adventure taught us the importance of being prepared and following the designated path. Despite the initial panic, we came out of it with unforgettable memories and a newfound appreciation for the beauty and unpredictability of nature.







3. Title: The Power of Kindness


In a world where negativity often dominates the headlines, it is important to remember the power of kindness. Small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on individuals and communities, spreading positivity and inspiring others.

One day, as I was walking home from work, I noticed an elderly lady struggling with her groceries. Without hesitation, I approached her and offered my assistance. The smile that lit up her face was worth more than any material possession.

This simple act of kindness sparked a chain reaction. The lady, filled with gratitude, insisted on treating me to a cup of tea. As we sat in the cozy café, we struck up a conversation and shared stories. We learned about each other's lives and experiences, forming a connection that transcended age and background.

Inspired by this encounter, I decided to pay it forward. I started volunteering at a local shelter, helping those in need. The gratitude and joy on their faces reminded me of the impact a small act of kindness can have.

Kindness is contagious. When we witness acts of kindness, we are inspired to do the same. It creates a ripple effect, spreading positivity and fostering a sense of community.

In a world where we often feel disconnected, kindness is a powerful force that can bring people together. It breaks down barriers and reminds us of our shared humanity. Let us never underestimate the power of a kind word, a helping hand, or a compassionate gesture.







4. Title: The Joy of Reading


In a world filled with distractions and constant stimulation, the joy of reading is often overlooked. Reading allows us to escape




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