
关于”三级开头“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Beginning at Level Three。以下是关于三级开头的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”三级开头“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Beginning at Level Three。以下是关于三级开头的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Beginning at Level Three


As the world becomes increasingly globalized, the ability to communicate effectively in English is becoming more and more important. This is especially true for non-native speakers like myself, who may face additional challenges in expressing themselves clearly and persuasively in a language that is not their mother tongue. Nevertheless, I believe that with hard work and dedication, it is possible to master English to a high level and to use it as a tool for personal and professional success.





1. Nowadays, with the rapid development of society, the issue of ____ has become increasingly prominent.(如今,随着社会的快速发展,___问题变得日益突出。)

2. One of the most pressing challenges facing us today is _____.(我们今天面临的最紧迫的挑战之一是___!!)

3. In recent years, there has been a growing concern over _____.(近年来,人们对___问题越来越关注。)

4. It is undeniable that ____ has become a hot topic in contemporary society.(不可否认的是,___已成为当代社会的热门话题。)

5. With the advancement of technology, _____ has emerged as a significant issue.(随着技术的进步,___已成为一个重要问题。)


1. In conclusion, it is high time that we took effective measures to tackle the problem of ____.(总之,是时候采取有效的措施来解决___问题了。)

2. Therefore, it is essential for us to recognize the importance of ____ and take immediate actions to address it.(因此,我们必须认识到___的重要性,并立即采取行动解决它。)

3. To solve this problem, it requires the joint efforts of individuals, governments, and society as a whole.(要解决这个问题,需要个人、和整个社会的共同努力。)

4. Only by doing so can we create a better future for ourselves and for the next generation.(只有这样,我们才能为自己和下一代创造一个更好的未来。)

5. In a word, the problem of ____ is not insurmountable if we unite and take actions together.(总之,如果我们团结一致并共同行动,___问题是可以克服的。)


Dear Mr. Gao: I bought a color TV set from your store yesterday, but I found there was no image in it after I got home, so I went back to your store, but your staff said that they were not responsible for this problem. I bought this color TV set and took it home without any doubt.

I can only assume that it must be a problem due to the quality of the TV set. If you can do your best Please replace my TV set. I'll be very glad to hear from you.

Dear Mr. Gao, I have to write this letter of complaint. Although I have a little trouble with you, I bought a color TV set in your shopping mall a few days ago, but there is no image when I turn it on at home.

There may be something wrong with the new TV set. So I go back to the salesman and ask for a new one. She turned me down without a flint.

I want to know, if you can't offer a new TV set, how can you treat customers like this? I'm writing to let you know your pathetic attitude. One of your staff members, I received your phone bill last month. I think there is a calculation error: I have two overseas calls overcharged, but when I call your complaints department, the girl who answers my call is very rude because she interrupts me constantly for one thing.

On the other hand, she even says it's my own No, needless to say, such a way of dealing with clients is unacceptable. I would like to suggest that the girl in question should be disciplined and instruct how to deal with clients correctly. I hope she can formally apologize to me, and I would appreciate an early response, Donna.







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