工作经历 英语_专业真题英语作文2篇

关于”工作经历 “的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Work experience。以下是关于工作经历 的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

工作经历 英语_专业真题英语作文2篇

关于”工作经历 “的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Work experience。以下是关于工作经历 的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Work experience

During this summer vacation, I worked in a local restaurant as a waiter. This experience gave me a deeper understanding of the service industry and taught me many useful skills.

Firstly, I improved my communication skills. Working as a waiter requires a lot of communication with customers, including taking orders, recommending dishes, and dealing with complaints. I learned to speak politely, listen carefully, and respond to different customers' needs and requirements, which helped me to gain their trust and satisfaction.

Secondly, I learned about the importance of teamwork. As a waiter, I worked with other waiters, chefs, and cashiers, and we needed to cooperate closely to ensure smooth operation. Through daily work, I learned to communicate effectively with colleagues, coordinate with each other, and respond quickly to sudden changes.

Finally, I also gained a sense of responsibility. As a waiter, I had to be responsible for every customer's dining experience. I made sure that the tables and chairs were clean and tidy, the dishes were served in good condition, and the service was attentive and friendly.

Overall, my summer job as a waiter was a valuable experience that taught me practical skills and helped me to grow as a person.







This is to certify that Mr. Thomas, male, aged, was admitted to hospital with acute appendicitis on December, and has recovered completely after 10 days of operation. He will be discharged in June.

It is suggested that he should rest at home for a week and then continue to work. Jack Hopkins surgical operation room, this is to certify that Mr. Zhao qiangwen holds the graduation certificate issued to him in July by Shandong University (Graduation Certificate No.: we have carefully checked the seal of the school and the signature of President Zhou Yongsen Jinan notary office, Shandong Province, people's Republic of China Notary: Wang Fangmei Name: Chen Xiaoling address: Duobao street, Asia Pacific District, Guangzhou Tel: demographic: Gender: female age: height: cm weight: kg marriage position: single ID card no job objective: Administrative Assistant of Shenzhen foreign investment company working experience: Guangzhou Maritime Administration Bureau, responsible for meeting minutes, meeting minutes, meeting minutes, Guangdong Shenzhou gas equipment joint industrial company 20 clerks, stenographers and mechanical operators are responsible for the monthly distribution of demand list to over buyers.

Education: Beijing business school, Bachelor of business administration, Beijing No.2 Middle School, special skills: computer language: basic foreign languages: Intermediate Japanese and excellent English reference: on request: O basic.




Title: My Work Experience


As an outstanding student, I believe that accumulating work experience is crucial for personal development and success. Over the past summer, I had the opportunity to work as an intern at a local company, which provided me with valuable insights and practical skills that complement my academic knowledge.


During my internship, I was assigned to the marketing department, where I actively partited in various projects. I assisted in conducting market research, yzing consumer behavior, and developing marketing strategies. Through these tasks, I gained a deeper understanding of how businesses operate and the importance of adapting to market trends.


Moreover, I had the opportunity to work alongside professionals in the industry who generously shared their knowledge and experience with me. They guided me in conducting effective SWOT yses, identifying target market segments, and developing creative marketing campaigns. The hands-on experience and mentorship provided me with a unique perspective on the business world, enhancing my problem-solving and teamwork skills.


Furthermore, this work experience also taught me the importance of time management and self-discipline. Balancing my internship responsibilities with my academic commitments required meticulous planning and organization. By effectively managing my time, I was able to fulfill both my work and study obligations, further honing my ability to multitask and meet deadlines.


In conclusion, my work experience as an intern has been invaluable in shaping both my personal and professional growth. It has provided me with practical skills, industry insights, and enhanced my ability to adapt to the ever-changing business landscape. I strongly believe that a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience will pave the way for a successful future career.


Word count: 394 words






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