




Steve and Arthur first met in a chemistry class at an American University. Arthur is an international student from Jordan. He is very happy to meet an American.

He wants to know more about American culture. At first, he hoped that he and Steve could become good friends. Steve looked very friendly.

Before class, he always warmly said hello to Arthur. Sometimes he offered to study with Arthur and even invited him to have lunch with him. But after the end of the semester, Steve seemed to be more alienated from his two former classmates.

One day, Arthur decided to call Steve "Steve's way of talking to our friends seems to be that he is not interested in American friends in a general way," he said To call casual acquaintances and close friends "friends". Americans have school friends, work friends, sports friends and neighborhood friends. These friendships are based on shared interests, which can disappear when a common activity ends.

Now Steve and Arthur are no longer classmates. Their friendship has changed. In some cultures, friendship means a strong lifelong bond between two people.

In these cultures, friendship develops slowly because it is a rapidly changing research table built in American Society In the Ming Dynasty, five American families move every year. The friendship between the United States is developing rapidly and changing rapidly.


史蒂夫和亚瑟第一次见面是在一所美国大学的化学课上。亚瑟是一名来自约旦的留学生,他很高兴认识了一个美国人,他想了解更多关于美国文化的知识。起初,他希望自己和史蒂夫能成为好朋友,史蒂夫看起来很友好,上课前他总是热情地和亚瑟打招呼,有时他主动提出要和亚瑟一起学习,甚至还请他一起吃午饭,但学期结束后,史蒂夫似乎更疏远了两个以前的同学在学校没怎么见面有一天,亚瑟决定给史蒂夫打电话,史蒂夫似乎对和他说话不太感兴趣,亚瑟被史蒂夫的态度转变所伤害,“史蒂夫说我们是朋友,”亚瑟抱怨说,“我以为朋友是永远的朋友”; 亚瑟有点困惑他是美国文化的局外人他不了解美国人看待友谊的方式美国人用朋友这个词的方式非常笼统,他们可以把随便的熟人和亲密的伙伴都称为“朋友”。



First of all, the most important thing in friendship is mutual respect. If a friend tells you a secret and asks you not to tell anyone, you should keep your promise. Second, a friend should be ready to help each other.

A friend in need is a friend. If your friend is in trouble, you should help him with his weakness. You should point out that you should never help him cheat in the exam.




Friendship is a necessary condition for the existence of society. People live in communities and work together so that they can protect themselves from the harm of nature. The success of any task requires the support of many people.

Willing to help our friends, friendship is the most extensive sense of the guarantee of harmonious efforts, all people are friends, people live in a common society, from their own point of view, have been directly or indirectly cooperate and help each other, anyone can become friends of others to a certain extent, this kind of competition is worldwide, but it can make the society harmonious In modern society, people are so complicated that sometimes for various reasons, we don't know who is the real friend. Adversity is the touchstone of friendship, that is to say, in difficult times, no matter what happens, it is easy to test whether friendship is true. A true friend will never leave you and will always be with you.








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