
关于”上学期教学工作总结“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Summary of teaching work last semester。以下是关于上学期教学工作总结的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”上学期教学工作总结“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Summary of teaching work last semester。以下是关于上学期教学工作总结的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Summary of teaching work last semester

Reflection on English Composition in the Past Semester


In the past semester, I had the privilege to study English composition. Through this course, I have made some progress in writing. It has not only enhanced my language skills but has also helped me better comprehend English culture and expression. Here, I will summarize my experiences and insights gained from studying English composition last semester.


Firstly, I believe that reading is the key to improving writing skills. Through extensive reading, I have become familiar with various types of articles and writing styles. Reading not only expands my vocabulary but also enhances my understanding of grammar and sentence structures. It has made me more sensitive to the fluency and logic of sentences, which is crucial for writing.


Secondly, writing requires continuous practice. I have found that practicing writing constantly helps improve my writing skills and organization abilities. Through various writing tasks, I have learned how to express my ideas clearly and organize the structure of my articles logically. At the same time, I have also learned how to use appropriate transition words and sentence connectors to make my writing more coherent and readable.


Furthermore, receiving feedback from peers and teachers is also very helpful in improving writing skills. In class, I often share my compositions with classmates and receive their suggestions and critiques. Their feedback helps me identify the weaknesses in my writing and improve my expression. Additionally, the comments and guidance from teachers have been very beneficial, allowing me to understand my strengths and areas for improvement.


Overall, studying English composition has been a challenging yet rewarding experience. In the past semester, I have made some progress through reading, practicing, and receiving feedback. I believe that as long as I continue to study and practice diligently, my writing skills will continue to improve.


Reflection on English Composition in the Past Semester


In the past semester, I had the opportunity to study English composition. Through this course, I have made some progress in writing. This has not only enhanced my language skills but has also allowed me to have a better understanding of English culture and expression. Here, I will summarize my experiences and insights gained from studying English composition last semester.


Firstly, I believe that reading is the key to improving writing skills. Through extensive reading, I have become familiar with various types of articles and writing styles. Reading not only expands my vocabulary but also enhances my understanding of grammar and sentence structures. It has made me more sensitive to the fluency and logicality of sentences, which is crucial for writing.


Secondly, writing requires continuous practice. I have found that practicing writing constantly helps improve my writing skills and organizational abilities. Through various writing tasks, I have learned how to express my ideas clearly and organize the structure of my articles logically. At the same time, I have also learned how to use appropriate transition words and sentence connectors to make my writing more coherent and readable.


Furthermore, receiving feedback from peers and teachers is also very helpful in improving writing skills. In class, I often share my compositions with classmates and receive their suggestions and critiques. Their feedback helps me identify the weaknesses in my writing and improve my expression. Additionally, the comments and guidance from teachers have been very beneficial, allowing me to understand my strengths and areas for improvement.


Overall, studying English composition has been a challenging yet beneficial experience. In the past semester, I have made some progress through reading, practicing, and receiving feedback. I believe that as long as I continue to study and practice diligently, my writing skills will continue to improve.


Unit: I language goals talk about how often you do things, talk about your health, make suggestions, talk about future plans / talk about how to go somewhere to learn to send out an invitation, say "yes" to an invitation, say "no" to an invitation, give reasons to learn to talk about personal characteristics and how to compare other people II frequency of junk food a lot of people almost never start to do something, taking care of it is a little unhealthy Once a day twice a month good occasional visit to the doctor / dentist / cold / fever / stomachache toothache sore throat lie down and have a rest drink hot tea and honey too much pressure to listen to keep healthy now watch TV play basketball nanny her sister visit my friend at home relax sports camp fun go hiking / Camping / fishing / shopping / sightseeing / / / go back to school for a week go bike walk rent video sleep is very good How much I want to take the subway / bus / boat / plane / / take the bus / plane / train / subway / bus stop / / take the bike bus stop and walk away from the school bus. The early bus is different from 6:30. What a breakfast in North America needs is more than playing football and baseball.

The school team comes back the day after tomorrow and performs well. Everyone makes me laugh if it looks the same in some ways.




Thank you for giving us this opportunity to talk about our English class in this way. We thank you for your efforts in our English class, so that we all like it. With your help, we have successfully passed CET-6.

Your outstanding performance has left us the deepest impression, that is, you have the responsibility to attract everyone's interest and let us like the language. In fact, you are a very excellent teacher. If we want to give some opinions to the class, we suggest you give us more guidance when we are in a foreign country It is very necessary to work in a company, how to communicate with foreign boss and how to join a foreign environment, because we will graduate in the second half of the year.






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