
关于”我的未来“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:My future。以下是关于我的未来的五年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”我的未来“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:My future。以下是关于我的未来的五年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My future

A person's life is a process of growth. In fact, standing here is a process of growth. If a person's life must be composed of various choices, then I will grow up with these choices.

Once I hoped to be able to enter the University in the future, but that has passed. You know, I came here. Now I want to know what the future of my coming to this school will be like I said: This is my near future, everything starts from here, I want to learn to be a man, a complete man, he has a good body, can undertake important tasks, have independent thinking, open mind, be good at thinking, have the ability to judge right and wrong, have a perfect job once my teacher said: you are not sewing, you are a designer, never Forget that what you should show people is your thoughts, not your skills.

I will put my personality and my interests and abilities in my study. In this process, I will combine learning with practice. If I can realize this future, I think I really grow up.

I deeply believe that family affection, friendship and love will be perfect and happy in the future. How to say the future may be a good wish Let's make up our minds, stick to it and enjoy our life.




You want to be a teacher. I think it is very useful to be a teacher. He can make the students happy and friendly to everyone.

I like children very much. If I am a teacher, I can play with the children every day. We can imagine that it is very interesting to be a teacher.

I think that being a teacher must be willing to learn from others and remember the smile in my heart as a teacher What we should do, everyone thinks it's hard to be a teacher, but every pain has happiness. I want to be a good teacher in the future. I don't think it's a dream for a good teacher.

I have to win.




Since I was a child, I was a powerful force to eat. It guided me to become a gourmet. I had a sincere wish.

One afternoon, I gently sat on the sofa and inadvertently turned to the travel channel. A picture fascinated me. I jumped three feet high and jumped on the ground.

The exquisite ones focused on the TV. The Super Big Mac food made me happy People are salivating, so my little heart "bang" beating, rich goose yellow cheese pulled a long barbed wire, like a spider web hanging on the tree, holding a piece of dry sausage, with sweet and sour cucumber, and then squeeze the taste of tomato sauce and mayonnaise, sprinkle with a small green pepper onion, and then sprinkle with a small green pepper, finally with two pieces of delicious beef It's really a big spare ribs that must be put. There are nutritious and delicious salads all around.

There are delicious French fries and a little sauce. Happiness is written on her face, chewing and breathing. All kinds of tastes are mixed together.

It is perfect and harmonious. Those people who talk about it on TV and I salivate. DC food is my driving force.

Pursuing food is my goal "Home" is my dream job dream. I want to have two gourmets. One is a food show host and the other is a writer who eats articles published in newspapers.

They must have a keen sense of smell and can remember all kinds of things. The tongue of taste buds is not only in the living room, but also under the kitchen. I often imagine that the slanting light is shining on the table I'm working hard on the deadline.

My brain is working at a high speed. My brain constantly conceives delicious and attractive words: "call" my hands to stop working, carefully wipe the sweat on my forehead, and the children holding up coffee cups take a sip. It's really good.

There are two rows of bookshelves in the studio, filled with my works and trophies about to go abroad. This is an introduction to Russia The ice cream, which has been waiting for a long time, is ready to go. I just want to let more people understand the food culture.

In other countries, I can also satisfy my appetite and eat something to comfort my heart.






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