
关于”故事续写“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Story continuation。以下是关于故事续写的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


关于”故事续写“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Story continuation。以下是关于故事续写的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Story continuation

One day, an elephant named Jack wanted to visit his cousin who lived in the country. Jack decided to go there by train, so he went to the railway station disappointed. Because of his heavy and strong body, he could not get on the train, but Jack pushed the train driver down.

He found that he could not drive at last, so he had to walk there and took a few days to get there.




Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Jack who lived with his mother in a small cottage at the edge of a forest. One day, Jack's mother fell ill, and they had no money to buy food or medicine. Determined to help his mother, Jack set out on a journey to find work and earn some money.

As he walked through the forest, Jack stumbled upon a group of dwarfs who were struggling to move a large fallen tree. Without hesitation, Jack offered his assistance. Together, they managed to move the tree out of their way. The grateful dwarfs rewarded Jack with a magical shovel that would dig up gold from the ground.

Excited by his new treasure, Jack thanked the dwarfs and continued his journey. As he ventured further into the forest, he stumbled upon a beautiful fairy who was trapped in a spider's web. Jack quickly pulled out his magical shovel and dug around the web, setting the fairy free. In return, the fairy granted him a pair of boots that would make him run faster than anyone else.

With his new boots, Jack continued his journey and arrived at a nearby village. Hearing about a job opening at the king's palace, Jack approached the guards and offered his services. Impressed by his speed, the guards allowed him to meet the king.

Upon meeting the king, Jack was tasked with a difficult challenge - to find the rarest flower in the kingdom within three days. Determined to succeed, Jack put on his magical boots and began his search. With his incredible speed, he covered vast distances and explored every nook and cranny of the kingdom. Finally, on the last day of the challenge, Jack stumbled upon the hidden garden filled with the rarest flowers.

Overjoyed by his success, Jack plucked the rarest flower and hurried back to the palace. The king, amazed by Jack's dedication and resourcefulness, rewarded him handsomely. With the gold he earned, Jack bought medicine for his mother and took care of her until she regained her health.

From that day on, Jack became a hero in the kingdom, known for his kindness, bravery, and unwavering determination. He used his magic shovel and boots to help those in need, and his story was told for generations to come.


As time went on, Jack grew older and wiser. Despite his newfound fame and the wealth he had accumulated, he remained humble and continued to help others. He traveled from village to village, using his magical shovel to dig up gold for those who were in need. Jack's selflessness and generosity earned him the respect and admiration of everyone he encountered.

One day, news reached Jack that a nearby kingdom was suffering from a terrible drought. The crops were withering, and the people were on the brink of starvation. Determined to help, Jack set off on his journey to the drought-stricken land. He dug wells and irrigation channels with his magic shovel, providing the people with access to water and saving their harvest.

The grateful king of the drought-stricken land offered Jack a permanent position in his kingdom, wanting him to stay and make it prosperous once again. But Jack politely declined, explaining that his purpose was to help as many people as possible, not to settle down in one place. With a heavy heart, the king bid farewell to Jack, forever grateful for his assistance.

Continuing his travels, Jack encountered countless challenges and used his magical boots and shovel to overcome them. He became a legend, known throughout the land as the "Hero of Hope." People from far and wide sought his help, and Jack answered their pleas without hesitation.

As years passed, Jack's story spread beyond the kingdom's borders. People from neighboring lands heard of his incredible deeds and desired his assistance. The grateful citizens of these lands welcomed Jack with open arms, showing their gratitude through feasts and celebrations held in his honor.

Jack's legacy lived on even after his passing. His magical shovel and boots were passed down through generations, becoming cherished artifacts that symbolized his selflessness and bravery. His story was told to children as a reminder of the importance of helping others and never giving up.

And so, the tale of Jack, the ordinary boy who became a hero, continued to inspire people to this day, proving that kindness and determination can change the world.










One day, the cat was in the basket. It was very lazy. It was sleeping.

Now the cat's food was next to the cat. A mouse was very hungry. The cat's food was so delicious.

The cat woke up and he was behind the mouse. He wanted to catch the mouse. So he was chasing the mouse.

The mouse was afraid that he would jump on the door. But the door was very high. The cat couldn't catch the mouse.

The mouse was under the chair. Now it was running. The cat couldn't catch it To the mouse, the mouse runs very fast.

It runs into the hole. The hole is very small. However, the cat is very big.

It can't go into the hole. So the cat is very angry and tired. It's crying.

It's sad. But the mouse is very happy. One day, the cat's name is Tom.

The mouse's name is Jerry. Tom sleeps in the basket. He's lazy beside Tom.

Some cat's food is delicious. Jerry is hungry. He goes Eat the cat's food.

He said: Oh, the cat's food is delicious. Tom heard it. He woke up.

He was very angry. He wanted to catch the mouse. He was afraid that he tried to escape.

But Tom chased him. Jerry had to jump to the door. Tom jumped very high, but he still couldn't catch him.

But Terry was very smart. He ran faster. He ran into the hole.

He was very happy. Tom was angry and tired. He couldn't run into the hole.







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