





Spring is one of the four seasons. It usually lasts from March to May in the northern hemisphere and from September to November in the southern hemisphere. During springtime, the weather becomes warmer and the days become longer. The trees and plants start to grow new leaves and flowers, and animals come out of hibernation. Spring is also a time for spring cleaning and for many cultures, it is a time for renewal and new beginnings.




Summer is the hottest season of the year. It usually lasts from June to August in the northern hemisphere and from December to February in the southern hemisphere. During summertime, the weather is hot and humid, and people usually wear light clothing. Summer is a popular time for outdoor activities such as swimming, hiking, and camping. It is also a time for many festivals and events.




Autumn, also known as fall, is a season of change. It usually lasts from September to November in the northern hemisphere and from March to May in the southern hemisphere. During autumn, the weather becomes cooler and the leaves on trees change color and fall off. Many plants start to produce fruits and vegetables. Autumn is also a time for harvest festivals and the beginning of the holiday season.




Winter is the coldest season of the year. It usually lasts from December to February in the northern hemisphere and from June to August in the southern hemisphere. During wintertime, the weather is cold and snowy in many regions. People usually wear heavy clothing and use heating devices to stay warm. Winter is also a time for many holidays and celebrations, such as Christmas and New Year.




What is the name of the four seasons? The four seasons include spring, summer and autumn. In winter, there are three months in each season. There are twelve months in the four seasons.

People have different things to do in the four seasons. Spring is the first season of the new year. It is the rainy season.

Every Chinese celebrates the Spring Festival in this season. The children are very happy that they get new year's money and set off fireworks. There are many family flowers and bright lights.

The food is everywhere in summer, which is the second season of the year The weather is beautiful and the temperature is very hot. People like to travel in summer. Students enjoy summer vacation.

Children like to eat their favorite ice cream and go swimming. Autumn is the third season. Farmers are very busy in this harvest season.

The wind is getting stronger and the leaves are falling. Everyone is preparing for the Mid Autumn Festival, delicious moon cakes and all kinds of water If you don't try to write in English, you will never learn the writing skills you need. I'm glad to give it to you Look at my sample composition.

I hope it can help you have a good time.




Spring, summer, autumn and winter are the four seasons of the year. The weather is getting warmer and warmer. Everything goes back to the season when farmers are busy planting.

The weather becomes very hot and often rains, causing many floods. This is the best season of the year. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold.

The sky is blue and cloudy at night. Millions of stars can be seen in the sky. It is also one of the farmers' harvests Busy season winter is the last season of the year.

The days are shorter and the nights are longer. It is cold and windy in winter. The leaves fall from the trees.

Everything seems to be sleeping in preparation for the next spring.






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