
关于”dear“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Here is the translation of dear into English: Dear。以下是关于dear的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”dear“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Here is the translation of dear into English: Dear。以下是关于dear的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Here is the translation of dear into English: Dear

Dear friends and classmates, the exciting moment, I believe, must stay in our mind. At that time, Beijing, the capital of China, was announced by the president of the International Olympic Committee as the final winner of the annual Olympic Games. A new Olympic Games will be held every four years.

It has a long history and provides rare gathering opportunities for all countries, far more than the professional athletes The sports competitions partited in the Olympic Games have set a new world record and highlighted the indomitable spirit of sports. With the rise of sports related industries, international friendly exchanges have been greatly strengthened. As college students, we should contribute to the coming Olympic Games with a sense of civic responsibility and dedicated knowledge.

For example, we should hold some volunteer lectures, popularize Olympic knowledge and environmental knowledge, and understand the situation of some residential areas. We look forward to your suggestions and partition.



万能作文模板2:亲爱的,这是它的英文翻译: Dear

A little boy wanted it so much, prayed for weeks, but nothing happened, so he decided to write a letter to God asking, "when the postal authorities receive a letter to the God of the United States, they decide to send it to the president. The president was very happy. He instructed his secretary to send a "bill" to the little boy.

It seemed like a lot of money for a little boy. The little boy was very happy to receive the bill. He sat down and wrote a thank-you note to God.

It said, "Dear God, thank you very much for the money.". However, I noticed that, for some reason, you sent the money through Washington, D.C., and, as usual, the turkeys were taxed.




My dear mother, my mother is a woman who sticks to the tradition. She is too conservative to keep up with the pace of the times, but she is my favorite person in the world, because she is kind-hearted, warm-hearted and strict with me. She often says to me: Although my school is hundreds of miles away from my home, but I study here, you can't study hard and be hundreds of miles away from my home, Although my study here is busier than before, my love for my mother is growing day by day.

I still remember the happy years when I lived with her. When I went home, she always cheered and cheered. She gave me encouragement and help.

I really want to see her again in the coming summer vacation.







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