
关于”求助信“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Help Letter。以下是关于求助信的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”求助信“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Help Letter。以下是关于求助信的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Help Letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to seek your help with my English composition.

As a diligent student, I always strive to achieve academic excellence. However, I find it challenging to write a good English essay, especially when it comes to organizing my thoughts and expressing them coherently. I have tried various methods, such as reading more English books, practicing writing daily, and seeking feedback from my teachers. While they have been helpful to some extent, I still feel that I lack the skills and confidence to produce a satisfactory piece of writing.

I hope that you can provide me with some constructive feedback on my writing, and give me some advice on how to improve my English composition. I am willing to work hard and follow your suggestions.

Thank you for your kind attention, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

(Your Name)










Title: Request for Help - A Letter in English


Dear [Recipient's Name],


I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to seek your assistance regarding a matter that I believe you might be able to help me with. Allow me to provide you with some background information:


Recently, I have been facing difficulties in improving my English language skills, both in terms of spoken and written English. Despite putting in significant effort and attending language cl, I am still struggling to achieve the desired level of fluency. As an expert in English language, I believe you possess the knowledge and experience to guide me through this journey.


I kindly request your assistance in the following areas:


1. Conversation Practice: I would greatly appreciate it if you could spare some time to engage in English conversations with me. This will not only help me improve my speaking skills but also boost my confidence in using the language effectively.

1. 对话练习:如果您能抽出一些时间与我进行英语对话,我将非常感激。这不仅可以帮助我提高口语能力,还可以增强我有效使用该语言的信心。

2. Writing Feedback: It would be immensely valuable if you could review my written work and provide constructive feedback. Your expertise will undoubtedly aid in rectifying any grammatical errors or weaknesses in my writing style.

2. 写作反馈:如果您能够我的写作并提供建设性的反馈,那将是非常有价值的。您的专业知识无疑将有助于纠正我写作风格中的任何语法错误或弱点。

3. Recommended Resources: As an expert in the field, I believe you might have access to recommended resources, such as books, online courses, or websites, that could enhance my language learning journey. Any guidance or suggestions you can provide in this regard would be truly appreciated.

3. 推荐资源:作为这个领域的专家,我相信您可能有可以增强我的语言学习之旅的推荐资源,如书籍、在线课程或网站。非常感谢您在这方面提供的任何指导或建议。

I understand that you may have numerous commitments and might not be able to accommodate all my requests. However, even a small amount of your time and support would be of immense help to me. I am eager to put in the necessary effort and follow your guidance to become proficient in English.


I eagerly await your favorable response and would be grateful for any assistance you can provide. Thank you so much for considering my request.


Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]




Title: English Composition - A Letter Seeking Help

Dear [Recipient's Name],


I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to seek your assistance and guidance in improving my English composition skills. As an aspiring writer, I believe that honing my writing abilities will greatly contribute to my success in pursuing various academic and professional endeavors.


Firstly, I struggle with organizing my thoughts and ideas in a coherent manner. Often, I find it challenging to craft a well-structured introduction, body, and conclusion that effectively convey my message. Consequently, my compositions lack clarity and fail to engage the reader's interest. I would greatly appreciate any advice on how to enhance the organization and flow of my writing.


Secondly, I struggle with grammar and sentence construction. Despite my efforts to learn grammar rules and practice sentence formation, I still encounter difficulties in expressing my thoughts accurately and precisely. I often make errors in subject-verb agreement, tense usage, and sentence coherence. I would be grateful if you could suggest any strategies or resources to help me overcome these challenges.

其次,我在语法和句子结构方面也遇到了困难。尽管我努力学习语法规则并反复练习句子的构成,但在准确而准确地表达我的思想方面仍然遇到困难。我经常 在主谓一致、时态使用和句子连贯性方面出错。如果您能为我提供任何帮助克服这些困难的策略或资源,我将不胜感激。

Furthermore, expanding my vocabulary is another area where I seek improvement. I find myself often repeating the same words and phrases, which limits the richness and variety of my writing. It would be immensely helpful if you could suggest effective techniques to enhance my vocabulary and provide recommendations for suitable reading materials that can aid in this aspect.


I understand that your time is precious, and I genuinely appreciate any assistance you can offer. Your expertise and guidance would be invaluable to me in my journey to become a proficient English writer. I eagerly await your response and look forward to implementing your recommendations.


Thank you for your attention, and I am grateful for your support.



[Your Name]






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