








Last night I had a strange dream. I dreamt that I turned into a mosquito and flew into a big garden. I flew around the garden and saw many beautiful flowers and cute animals. Suddenly, a big bee flew over and tried to sting me. I quickly flew away and ended up in a small alley. In the alley, I saw many people queuing up, each holding a ticket. I also joined the line and asked the person next to me what this place was and why we needed a ticket. He told me that this was the entrance to heaven and only with a ticket can one get in. He also said that one could get a ticket by doing good deeds.

Suddenly, I realized that I could help people in need as a mosquito. So, I flew back to the garden and found a little girl being chased by a big dog. I decided to help her and flew in front of the dog to distract it while the girl ran away. I felt a sense of accomplishment and happiness.

The dream started to fade away and I woke up. Although the dream was far from reality, I want to be like the person in my dream, to help people in need, do good deeds and earn more "tickets" to enter my own heaven.


Dreams are a mysterious and fascinating aspect of human life. Whether they are colorful and exciting or dark and unsettling, dreams can offer a glimpse into our subconscious minds and reveal aspects of ourselves that we may not even be aware of when we are awake.


Personally, I have had many strange and memorable dreams over the years. One dream that stands out in my mind occurred when I was in high school. In the dream, I was walking through a dark forest and came across a group of people gathered around a campfire. As I approached them, I realized that they were all famous historical figures - Napoleon, Cleopatra, Einstein, and others. They welcomed me to their group and we spent the rest of the dream discussing philosophy and debating the meaning of life.


Although this dream may seem bizarre, it was also incredibly vivid and left a strong impression on me. Through dreaming, I was able to explore my interests in history and philosophy in a unique and imaginative way.


Overall, dreams are a fascinating aspect of human experience that offer a window into our innermost thoughts and desires. Whether they are happy or unsettling, they can help us better understand ourselves and the world around us.






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