
关于”必背“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Obligatory to memorize。以下是关于必背的五年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”必背“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Obligatory to memorize。以下是关于必背的五年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Obligatory to memorize


Title: The Importance of Reading Books(阅读书籍的重要性)

English Version:

Reading books is an essential activity in our lives. It not only broadens our knowledge but also improves our language skills. Whether it is fiction, non-fiction, or any other genre, books, in their own unique way, enable us to explore different worlds and gain new perspectives.

Firstly, books provide us with extensive information and knowledge. Reading books on a wide range of subjects allows us to expand our horizons and become well-informed individuals. From history to science, from literature to philosophy, books are the gateway to understanding various aspects of life. Moreover, books are a rich source of ideas and inspiration. They expose us to different cultures, ideas, and perspectives, which in turn encourages critical thinking and creativity.

Secondly, reading books is an effective way to improve language skills. By reading extensively, we expose ourselves to different writing styles and patterns, which enhances our vocabulary and grammar. Books are also an excellent resource to learn idioms, expressions, and sentence structures that are commonly used in daily communication. By practicing reading, we develop better reading comprehension and writing skills.

Lastly, books have a positive impact on our personal growth and well-being. They can be a source of comfort and relaxation, allowing us to escape from the stresses of everyday life. Reading can be a form of therapy, helping us to unwind and refocus our thoughts. Additionally, books promote empathy and understanding. Through reading, we can step into the ss of characters and experience their emotions, helping us to develop compassion and empathy towards others.

In conclusion, reading books is not only an excellent way to acquire knowledge, but also a means to improve our language skills and personal growth. It is a habit that should be cultivated from an early age. So, let's make reading a part of our daily routine and reap the numerous benefits it offers.








1. on the other hand 另一方面

2. in addition 此外

3. as a result 结果

4. despite 尽管

5. in conclusion 总之

6. furthermore 此外,而且

7. in summary 总之

8. however 然而

9. on the contrary 相反地

10. nevertheless 然而,不过

11. consequently 因此

12. therefore 因此

13. as a matter of fact 事实上

14. in the meantime 同时

15. in the first place 首先

16. last but not least 最后但并非最不重要的

17. similarly 类似地

18. meanwhile 同时

19. for instance 例如

20. as a rule 根据一般规律

21. as a whole 整个来看

22. in essence 本质上

23. to sum up 总之

24. to be sure 当然

25. by and large 大体上

26. at any rate 无论如何

27. in any event 无论如何

28. all in all 总的来说

29. as a consequence 因此

30. in particular 特别是

31. by the way 顺便说

32. at the same time 同时

33. in reality 实际上

34. as an ilration 举例来说

35. that is to say 也就是说

36. in comparison 相比之下

37. notably 尤其

38. to put it another way 换句话说

39. with this in mind 考虑到这一点

40. above all 首先,尤其是


Some people say / report / believe / assume / accept that people from all walks of life are partiting in various activities. The Olympic Games can help / improve / develop / communicate / build / understand / arrange. We can overcome the difficulties through our efforts.

We can / will be happy / happy / honored / grateful / sorry. Our government is very concerned about the local people and delivers them to the snow disaster areas Materials. The PLA helps us fight against the snow disaster and rebuild our own homeland.

This is very important / meaningful / useful / value / help / help us to call on people to build a vibrant society and raise public awareness of environmental protection. This is true / wrong / useful / important / necessary / beneficial / obvious / positive / well-known. We should be careful not to say inappropriate words, control emotions and avoid improper behaviors.

There is no doubt / need / make Use / help / we should stick to our posts, provide good services, meet (meet) any reasonable needs, and be ready to help people in need at any time. This is the reason why we need to improve the quality of the population, and also the reason why we constantly pay attention to transportation, so as to impress the guests all over the world. According to the chart / plan / chart / plan, we Now / want / want / hope / our country beautiful / strong / rich / rich / healthy / happy / successful (for) improve / enrich / expand / reduce / increase / show / meet personal needs / implement / encourage /, we know / we know / we know / yze / table /, we find / conclude / realize the truth / fact / secret / answer / question / question / the key is that only by doing so, I Through this discovery / understanding / understanding / summarizing / believing / being able to draw / predict / draw a conclusion / understand / thus / so / how the result / in this way / more importantly, after all / in a word, our English teacher.







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