




He bought a coat that didn't cost much. The car he bought yesterday is a used car. The man who spoke on TV was the president.

This is the strange man I met yesterday. He is the little girl whose parents died in the earthquake. We live in a house with windows facing south.

He is one of the students who study hard. He is the only student to study abroad. He is the only one who has nothing, nothing.

There are very few things I can use. All the books you need are here. This is his first composition in English.

He talked about the teachers and schools he had visited. Who's the one who's talking there, the last one. This is the gun I'm looking for.

He is not the young man he was thirty years ago. Where he was, when, where, where, where, where, where, where, where, room, plane on the mountain, where two lost boys happened to come to a cave, where they accidentally found some very precious prehistoric rock paintings. In this hole, American soldiers rushed into the presidential palace, where they found some golden bars.

There, the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River is a beautiful place (where people are all over the place) and the world is looking forward to seeing it. The Yangtze River is our mother river. The Chinese people have created splendid Chinese civilization here.

Here, when people wake up after a thousand years of sleep, they spent days and months there. Here, Chinese and Chinese at home and abroad, I will always remember the day when the red five-star flag was raised in Hong Kong, that moment, every minute of that day, that moment (I turned around, she left and disappeared in the crowd. Do you remember the day we met, when the movie reminded me of those miserable days (that / that was spent when I was a child.

Why do you know the cause of heat loss of steam engine Why you failed, I think it was you who turned a deaf ear to your mother's advice..











Now, some discussions about children's education and management have aroused the attention of the whole society. It seems that it is not only about the personal development of children, but also related to the future of the whole country. There are two main views in the debate.

One is that children should abide by the rules of parents and teachers, and the other is that less control will help children deal with their future adult life It seems that the advantages of it are very obvious. Which one of them is that children can distinguish right from wrong, of course, they will have a sense of principle and responsibility, and their shortcomings are also very obvious. Secondly, children will lack imagination and creativity.

For the latter, they can't make up their own minds. This view seems reasonable, because in this way, these children will be more intelligent and actively create some Special things, however, due to the problem that a child can not get, its shortcomings can not be ignored. Combining these two points, we can have a clear understanding of their life.

In my opinion, parents and teachers should guide children to abide by the basic principles when doing some things. Moreover, children need more to realize their dreams. Only in this way can problems be solved We can not only support one side, on the contrary, we should choose different measures to educate children flexibly.




Matterhorn, the famous snow capped mountain in Switzerland, is very popular with climbers because it is too difficult to climb the Swiss Alps. At the foot of the mountain, the turbine dragged us, "let's climb up. The weather is often a problem.

Sometimes it's too cold, and we don't want to get out of bed. But the turbine drags us at the foot of the mountain. "Let's climb up.

Sometimes it's too cold. We don't want to get out of bed. Climbing the mountain is the perseverance and perseverance of our life.






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