
关于”2021年12月预测“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Prediction for December 2021。以下是关于2021年12月预测的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”2021年12月“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Prediction for December 2021。以下是关于2021年12月的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Prediction for December 2021

2021 has been a year filled with challenges and uncertainties. As we approach the end of the year, it is time to look ahead and predict what the English writing topic for the upcoming December CET-6 exam might be. While the actual topic remains unknown, we can make some educated guesses based on current global issues and trends. In this article, we will explore two potential essay topics and provide possible approaches for each.

Topic 1: Sustainable Development


Sustainable development has become a pressing concern worldwide. Discuss the importance of sustainable development and suggest practical solutions to achieve it.


In recent years, the concept of sustainable development has gained significant traction as people recognize the dire consequences of environmental degradation. This essay topic may require you to explain why sustainable development is crucial, and how we can attain it.

To approach this topic, you can start by defining sustainable development and highlighting its significance for the well-being of our planet. You can then delve into various aspects such as renewable energy, waste reduction, and conservation of natural resources. Providing specific examples and statistics will strengthen your arguments.

Additionally, you can suggest practical solutions to achieve sustainable development. For instance, you can discuss the importance of investing in renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. Furthermore, promoting recycling and reducing single-use plastics can be viable solutions to combat environmental pollution. It is essential to emphasize the role of individuals, governments, and corporations in implementing these measures.

By highlighting the urgency and importance of sustainable development, along with proposing feasible solutions, you can present a comprehensive essay on this topic.

Topic 2: Online Education


Online education has become increasingly popular in recent years. Discuss the advantages and challenges of online education and provide suggestions on how to maximize its benefits.


With the rapid advancement of technology, online education has revolutionized the way we learn. This essay topic may require you to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of online education and suggest ways to make the most of its benefits.

To approach this topic, you can begin by discussing the advantages of online education, such as flexibility in terms of time and location, accessibility to a wide range of courses, and the opportunity for self-paced learning. However, it is essential to acknowledge the challenges as well, such as the lack of face-to-face interaction and potential internet connectivity issues.

To maximize the benefits of online education, you can propose strategies such as establishing effective communication channels between students and teachers, organizing online group discussions and collaborative projects, and providing technical support for students facing connectivity issues. Emphasize the importance of self-discipline and time management for online learners and suggest the use of online resources and tools to enhance the learning experience.

By presenting a balanced view of the advantages and challenges of online education, along with practical suggestions, you can construct a well-rounded essay on this topic.

In conclusion, the December CET-6 writing topic could revolve around the themes of sustainable development or online education. By understanding the significance of these topics and presenting informed arguments, you can effectively tackle the essay and demonstrate your English writing skills. Remember to practice regularly, expand your vocabulary, and enhance your grammatical accuracy to increase your chances of success. Good luck!


English CET-4 Composition Prediction for December 2021


Dear candidates:


Hello everyone! I believe that you are all well prepared to welcome the upcoming English CET-4 exam. In the upcoming exam, the composition is an important part that examines both our English writing ability and provides an opportunity to showcase our comprehensive language skills. Therefore, I will provide you with some predicted essay topics and related suggestions for the December 2021 English CET-4 exam, hoping to help you better prepare.


Predicted Topic 1: The Influence of Social Media


Social media plays an increasingly important role in our lives. Please discuss the impact of social media on our lives and present your own views.


Predicted Topic 2: The Importance of Environmental Awareness


With the increasing severity of environmental issues, environmental awareness has become particularly important. Please elaborate on the importance of environmental awareness and provide your suggestions.


Predicted Topic 3: Employment Pressure on Young People


Currently, young people are facing enormous employment pressure. Please yze the employment issues faced by young people and provide some suggestions.


Predicted Topic 4: The Importance of Cultural Exchange


Cultural exchange is an important means of enhancing understanding and friendship between countries. Please discuss the importance of cultural exchange and present your views.


When writing, we should pay attention to the following points:

1. 明确观点:在开篇段落,清晰地表明自己的观点。

Clear viewpoint: Clearly state your viewpoint in the opening paragraph.

2. 提供论据:在主体段落,提供相关的论据、事例或数据来支持自己的观点。

Provide evidence: In the main body paragraphs, provide relevant evidence, examples, or data to support your viewpoint.

3. 合理结构:采用合理的段落结构和过渡词语,使文章结构清晰、层次分明。

Logical structure: Use a logical paragraph structure and transitional words to make the article clear and well-organized.

4. 多角度思考:在讨论问题时,尽量从多个角度来考虑,展示自己的思维深度和广度。

Consider multiple perspectives: When discussing an issue, try to consider it from multiple angles to showcase your depth and breadth of thinking.


I hope the predicted topics and writing suggestions above can help you in preparing for the essay. I wish you all excellent results in the December CET-4 exam!


Thank you!




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