
关于”2021二“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:In English, 2021二 can be translated as 2021 Two.。以下是关于2021二的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”2021二“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:In English, 2021二 can be translated as 2021 Two.。以下是关于2021二的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:In English, 2021二 can be translated as 2021 Two.

Possible 2021 English Test II Writing Task:

Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture prompt. In your essay, you should describe the picture and explain its significance. You should also make comments on the challenges we are facing and suggest solutions.

Possible Model Essay:

The picture depicts a world map with people holding hands in a circle around it, representing global cooperation and unity. This image is particularly meaningful at this moment of history when the whole world is struggling with unprecedented challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, economic disparities, and geopolitical tensions.

The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us that no country is an island and no one is immune to a global health crisis. The vaccine nationalism and politicization of public health responses have underscored the urgency and importance of international cooperation in pandemic preparedness, prevention, and response. We need to strengthen the World Health Organization and other multilateral mechanisms to enhance global health security and promote equitable access to vaccines and therapies.

The climate crisis is another existential threat that requires global solutions. We cannot afford to ignore the scientific evidence and the moral imperative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect biodiversity, and promote sustainable development. We need to honor our commitments under the Paris Agreement and work together to achieve carbon neutrality and climate resilience.

The economic disparities and inequalities within and among countries have also been exacerbated by the pandemic, which has exposed and deepened the digital divide, the social safety net gaps, and the educational divides. We need to address the root causes of poverty and inequality, and ensure that everyone has access to basic needs, such as healthcare, education, and decent work.

The geopolitical tensions and rivalries have created more uncertainties and risks for global peace and stability. We need to respect the principles of the United Nations Charter, uphold the rule of law, and seek peaceful and negotiated solutions to conflicts and disputes.

In conclusion, the picture of global cooperation and unity is not just a symbol, but a call to action. We must work together to overcome the challenges we are facing and build a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable world for all. Let us hold hands and march forward with hope and solidarity.

Possible Translation:

























The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Society

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), it has had a profound impact on society. AI technology is applied in various fields, from personal life to business and government at all levels. While AI brings convenience and efficiency in many aspects, it also brings some negative effects, such as changes in the job market and privacy security issues.

Firstly, the development of artificial intelligence has had a significant impact on the job market. Many traditional jobs have been replaced by automation, resulting in a large number of people losing their jobs. For example, in the manufacturing industry, the work of many workers is replaced by robots, which improves production efficiency but also leads to a significant amount of unemployment. Moreover, some traditional positions may gradually disappear as AI systems can accomplish these tasks more efficiently. Therefore, people need to continuously improve their skills to adapt to the employment demands in the AI era.

Secondly, the popularity of artificial intelligence has also raised privacy security concerns. AI systems can collect and yze a large amount of personal data, which may be misused or utilized for commercial interests. For example, some social media platforms use AI algorithms to yze users' behaviors, preferences, and consumption habits to better target advertits. However, this also means that users' privacy may be violated. Therefore, governments and relevant institutions need to strengthen the protection of personal data to ensure that the application of AI does not infringe upon the individuals' right to privacy.

Despite the challenges and issues brought by artificial intelligence, it also has many positive impacts. For example, AI technology can help people better predict and prevent natural disasters, improve the accuracy of medical diagnoses, and enhance traffic flow. Additionally, learning more customized and personalized.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence has had a profound impact on social life. Although it brings some negative effects, its positive impacts cannot be ignored. To maximize the advantages of artificial intelligence, we need to formulate corresponding policies and measures to address employment and privacy security issues while promoting technological innovation and progress.



Recent years have witnessed a growing trend of people opting for minimalist lifestyles. Some people argue that living with less brings , while others hold a different view that minimalist living can be restrictive. What is your opinion on this phenomenon?


In recent years, there has been a noticeable trend towards minimalist lifestyles. Some individuals advocate living with less, arguing that it brings a sense of , while others disagree, claiming that a minimalist lifestyle can be restrictive. As for me, I believe that living with less can indeed offer liberation, but it also requires careful consideration.

Those who embrace a minimalist lifestyle argue that the accumulation of material possessions can weigh us down and restrict our . In today's consumer-oriented society, many individuals find themselves burdened with excessive belongings, which not only consume physical space but also mental energy. By adopting a minimalist lifestyle, people can rid themselves of unnecessary clutter, reduce their dependence on material possessions, and ultimately experience a sense of liberation. Moreover, living with less can help individuals focus on what truly matters, such as personal relationships, personal growth, and experiences, leading to a more fulfilled life.

On the other hand, some individuals believe that minimalist living can be restrictive. They argue that minimizing possessions and cutting back on material comforts may lead to a sense of deprivation and limit one's ability to enjoy life. For these individuals, material possessions can serve as a source of joy, comfort, and self-expression. Additionally, they argue that a certain level of material abundance is necessary for a comfortable and convenient life, and depriving oneself of these comforts can be unnecessary and even detrimental.

In my view, the key lies in striking a balance between minimalism and practicality. Living with less does not necessarily mean depriving oneself completely of material possessions. It means being mindful of what truly adds value to our lives and eliminating excesses. By adopting a minimalist mindset, we can prioritize experiences over possessions, reduce waste, and live more sustainably. However, it is essential to recognize that everyone's definition of minimalism may differ, and what works for one person may not work for another.

In conclusion, I believe that living with less can indeed bring a sense of and fulfillment, but it is crucial to find a balance that aligns with one's own values and needs. Rather than viewing minimalism as a restrictive lifestyle, we should embrace it as a means to simplify our lives, focus on what truly matters, and live consciously and intentionally.




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