
关于”给家长制定家规“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Establish family rules for parents。以下是关于给家长制定家规的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”给家长制定家规“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Establish family rules for parents。以下是关于给家长制定家规的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Establish family rules for parents

As an English expert, I believe that setting rules in the family is important for children's healthy growth and development. Here are some tips for parents to make their own family rules.


Firstly, family rules should be clear and concise. Do not write them too complicated or too long, so that children can understand and remember them. Secondly, family rules should include some basic etiquette and healthy habits, such as washing hands, brushing teeth, and the bed. Finally, family rules should specify the behavior standards of family members, including respect for objects and family members, and a positive and responsible attitude.


Here are some common family rules:

1. 饮食规划:每天吃5种不同颜色的蔬菜和水果,少吃甜食和垃圾食品。

Diet plan: Eat 5 different colors of vegetables and fruits every day, and eat less sweets and junk food.

2. 学习规划:每天安排1-2小时的学习时间,完成作业并复习当天所学内容。

Study plan: Schedule 1-2 hours of study time every day, complete homework and review what you learned that day.

3. 家务分工:每个家庭成员需要承担相应的家务工作,包括打扫卫生、做饭、洗碗等。

Division of labor: Each family member needs to assume corresponding housework, including cleaning, cooking, washing dishes, etc.

4. 交流规范:家庭成员之间要维护良好的沟通和互动,避免大声喧哗或恶言相向。

Communication norms: Family members should maintain good communication and interaction with each other, avoiding loud noise or abusive language.

5. 时间规划:按照一定的时间表安排家庭成员的时间,避免延迟或浪费时间。

Time plan: Arrange the time of family members according to a certain schedule, avoiding delays or waste of time.


Setting rules for children is an important way to cultivate their positive qualities and healthy habits. Parents may create suitable family rules according to their own situation, helping children grow up healthily and happily.


Dear my parents, I think there are too many rules in our family, which are unfair. I can't go out to play in the evening of school, but I want to go out with my classmates because we are too tired after school. Secondly, I can't watch my favorite TV program in the evening.

Some TV programs can help me learn and learn more. You can give me some free time Let me do something I don't like to study all the time. Thank your son / daughter.






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