
关于”我朋友的爱好“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The hobbies of my friend。以下是关于我朋友的爱好的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”我朋友的爱好“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The hobbies of my friend。以下是关于我朋友的爱好的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The hobbies of my friend

My Friend's Hobby

I want to talk about my friend's hobby. Her name is Lily and she is an excellent student. Apart from being good at academics, she has a great passion for learning and practicing English.

Lily's love for the English language started at an early age. She was always eager to partite in English cl and would never miss an opportunity to improve her language skills. In her free time, she would read English books, watch English movies and listen to English songs. She even started a journal in English to keep track of her progress.

Not content with just reading and listening, Lily is also actively involved in speaking English. She partites in various language exchange programs where she can practice speaking with native English speakers. She also joined the English club at our school and takes part in debates and discussions.

Lily's dedication to learning English has paid off. She has a strong command of the language and her fluency is impressive. She often helps other students who struggle with English and is always willing to share her knowledge and resources.

I am truly inspired by Lily's love for English and her commitment to mastering the language. She demonstrates that with determination and hard work, anyone can become proficient in English or any other language.








My Friend's Hobbies

My friend Emily has many hobbies that she enjoys doing in her free time. One of her favorite hobbies is reading. She loves to read all kinds of books, from classic literature to contemporary fiction. In fact, she is a regular at the local library and always has a new book to recommend.

Another hobby of Emily's is hiking. She loves to explore the great outdoors and go on long hikes through the mountains. She always takes her camera with her so that she can capture the beautiful scenery and share it with her friends.

Emily is also a talented artist. She loves to draw and paint, and her artwork is absolutely beautiful. She often creates portraits of her friends and family members as gifts, and they are always impressed by her skills.

In addition to these hobbies, Emily is also a skilled musician. She plays the piano and the guitar, and often sings at local coffee shops and open mic nights. Her friends and family love to hear her perform and are always amazed by her talent.

Overall, my friend Emily has a wide range of hobbies and talents that keep her busy and fulfilled. She is truly an inspiration to those around her.










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