happy new year英语作文_八年级满分英语作文3篇

关于”happy new year“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Happy New Year。以下是关于happy new year的八年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

happy new year英语作文_八年级满分英语作文3篇

关于”happy new year“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Happy New Year。以下是关于happy new year的八年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Happy New Year

(New Year's party) on New Year's Eve, our class held a party. The atmosphere was very good. From the very beginning, a boy in one bedroom made an unusual performance.

We saw a boy named Li Xinmin suddenly turned off all the lights. Then there were three loud crows in the hall. The hall was lighted again.

Zhu Guozhang, the representative of the dormitory, asked us to guess He added that only Li Xinmin was born in the year of the dog, and the other three were born in the year of the rooster, which made us all confused. It was the monitor who called us wisely, "rooster crows three times in the morning", and there was another thing in the hall. This time, Li Xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle, and the other three people were standing around him, everyone They all bow to him from a certain angle.

This is an idiom. This time I said it right: "the dog stands out from a flock of chickens". Then we sang and played games together.

Until 11 p.m., the night watchman turned off the lights. We had to pull ourselves away from the party. I found out that our classmates are really talented singers.




Happy New Year!


As the old year comes to a close, it's time to welcome the new year with open arms. It's the perfect time for fresh starts, new beginnings, and a renewed sense of purpose.


The new year is a time for reflection, for looking back on the past year and thinking about all of the things that we've accomplished, as well as the things we still need to work on. It's a time to set goals, to make plans, and to begin working towards the things that we want to achieve in the coming year.


But it's also a time for celebration, for spending time with loved ones, and for just enjoying all of the good things that life has to offer. It's a time for laughter, for joy, and for spreading happiness to those around us.


So as we welcome the new year, let's remember to be grateful for all of the good things in our lives and to approach the coming year with positivity, hope, and a sense of excitement for all of the great things that are yet to come.


满分英语范文3:happy new year

Spring Festival, Spring Festival and Chinese New Year are the most important festivals. All our family members get together to have a big meal on New Year's Eve. Everyone celebrates with each other at about six o'clock.

Some parents and children set off firecrackers. The whole sky is bright. We can watch the fireworks excitedly.

What is busy is the first morning of the year. Many old people get up early and paste anti blessing or anti happiness on the front door Couplets are hung on the windows of some houses on red paper. The Spring Festival lasts for 15 days.

Therefore, during these 15 days, we always visit our relatives from door to door. The children are the happiest because they can get a lot of red envelopes from their parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts. The last day of Chinese New Year is another festival.

It's called the Lantern Festival. So the Chinese New Year is over. Welcome to China.

My friends, we all know that the Spring Festival is coming. Sonnet thinks it is a festival. Among the most important festivals in China, we usually have seven days off.

In these days, almost all Chinese people will celebrate the festival with their families. In order to bring more happiness to others, we always say "Happy New Year" to each other. Another traditional way of visiting is to visit relatives.

It's like visiting relatives during Christmas. You may buy many gifts for children. In China, children will also get "red envelopes".

In these red envelopes, there is some money. We never care how much money we have, but we only care about their true love. When it is dark, you may see a lot of beauty shining in the sky Li fireworks in order to meet the new year, I wish you a wonderful life, the Spring Festival has countless fun waiting for you to discover.








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