




(a trip to Beijing) on July 5, my parents took me to Beijing. On the first day, we stayed in the North China hotel. We went to the Great Wall.

The Great Wall is very long and ancient. Each brick has millions of bricks. Each brick is very big and heavy.

Many people are like climbing the Great Wall. When we climb to the top of the mountain, we feel very tired. We also went to the Palace Museum.

The Palace Museum has a long history I bought a lot of souvenirs from the Forbidden City. What are these good palaces? I visited the Forbidden City. If you want to know more about the Palace Museum, you can go to Beijing and have a look.

In the next few days, we went to the summer palace, the temple of heaven, the North Lake and Xiangshan. Now I have a better understanding of Chinese history. I also like that the modern Beijing Olympic Games will be held in Beijing, my parents and I I really enjoyed the unforgettable trip to Beijing by train.




Beijing is the capital city of China and one of the most populous cities in the world. It is a city with a long history and rich cultural heritage.

Beijing has many famous landmarks that attract tourists from all over the world. The most well-known one is the Great Wall of China, which is a symbol of China's ancient civilization. It stretches for thousands of kilometers and is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Another popular attraction in Beijing is the Forbidden City, which was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is a magnificent complex with beautiful buildings and gardens.

In addition to its historical sites, Beijing is also a modern metropolis with skysers and modern infrastructure. The city hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics, which brought significant development and international attention to Beijing. The Bird's Nest Stadium and the Water Cube are two iconic buildings from the Olympics and have become popular tourist attractions.

Beijing is also known for its delicious cuisine. Peking roast duck is a famous traditional dish that originated in Beijing. It is known for its crispy skin and tender meat. There are also many street food stalls that offer a wide variety of snacks, such as jianbing (Chinese crepe) and lamb skewers.

Moreover, Beijing is a city that values education. It is home to many top universities in China, including Peking University and Tsinghua University. Students from all over the country come to Beijing to pursue their higher education.

In conclusion, Beijing is a city that combines ancient traditions and modern development. It is a city full of history, culture, and delicious food. It is definitely worth visiting for anyone interested in exploring the wonders of China.








On July 5, my parents took me to Beijing. The first day we stayed in the North China hotel. We went to the Great Wall.

The Great Wall is very long and ancient. It has millions of bricks. Each brick is very big and heavy.

Many people come from different countries and like to climb the great wall. When we climb to the top of the Great Wall, we feel very tired. We also went to the Palace Museum.

There are palaces in the Palace Museum. It has a long history and bought a lot of forbidden cities I visited the Forbidden City. If you want to know more about the Palace Museum, you can visit Beijing.

In the next few days, we went to the summer palace, the temple of heaven, the North Lake and Xiangshan. Now I know more about China's history. I also like that the modern Beijing Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.

My parents and I went back by train. I really enjoyed the trip to Beijing.






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