
关于”必考“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Must pass。以下是关于必考的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


关于”必考“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Must pass。以下是关于必考的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Must pass

English is a subject that I have been studying since I was young. As an English student, I have come to realize that the most important aspect of the subject is writing. Writing is an essential skill that all English students must possess. Therefore, I believe that English compositions are a must-have in English exams.


Writing is more than just putting words on paper. It requires creativity, critical thinking, and a good command of grammar and vocabulary. Writing in English also involves the use of different structures and techniques that make the composition more effective and engaging.


In an English exam, compositions are usually given a significant weightage. This is because writing is a reflection of one's ability to communicate effectively in English. A well-written composition can showcase a student's proficiency in the language and make a positive impression on the examiner.


Therefore, it is essential for English students to practice writing regularly. They should read widely and be exposed to different styles of writing that can help them improve their own writing skills. With practice and perseverance, English students can master the art of writing and excel in their exams.


In conclusion, English compositions are a must-have in English exams. Writing is an essential skill that all English students must possess, and compositions are an effective way to showcase this skill.



Tuesday is my birthday. My boyfriend and I spent this birthday together. He and I had a wonderful evening together.

He gave me a gift and we had a delicious dinner. I'm glad that my roommate also gave me a gift. I found something better.

I believe God bless me. He gave me some hard and bad things Lucky, and then gave me happiness and love. I met my good high school classmates in Shanghai, they also thank God, he let me learn more in society, thank God he let me learn in society, I thank myself, I am an optimistic girl, I am an idealistic girl, I need more social experience to learn unforgettable.




We have to face failure. As we all know, "failure is the mother of success", but few people can really understand the meaning of this sentence. In this world, I believe no one dares to say that he has never encountered any trouble in his life, so we must face failure.

In fact, failure is not terrible, but the important thing is how to face failure correctly. People will never wait to die. They will work hard until they finally succeed.

People do not have the courage to face setbacks and have no chance to enjoy the happiness of success. Therefore, they have nothing to do. They just feel sad and empty all day and night, and they have lost the chance to succeed My friend, whenever you encounter difficulties, please remember, "failure is the mother of success".







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