




Lin Shuhao is one of the most popular basketball players in the NBA. He played for the New York Knicks and led the team to victory. Although he was dismissed by the Golden State Warriors and the Houston Rockets, Lin is a Chinese American, born in California and graduated from Harvard University.

He majored in economics and minor in sociology. At school, he led the Harvard basketball team to win the Ivy League team championship. After that, he signed a contract with Golden State Warriors, becoming the first Harvard student to enter the NBA and the first Chinese and American player of enbanba.

Lin Shuhao was well known in the victory over the New Jersey Nets in February. He scored, 5 rebounds and 7 assists. Since then, Kobe Bryant has been invited to play in Los Angeles for the first two months, and has not even won more than his legendary performance in Los Angeles Sexual superiority reported that he became a hero in New York City.

Meanwhile, the American media also gave him a resounding nickname "Lin Shuhao". His name was very popular on the Internet, and the video about him was also spreading wildly. After all, Lin Shuhao is just a new player in the NBA.

He still has a lot to learn. I hope he can work hard and play well in the future NBA.





Books are our good friends in primary school. We started our friendship. When we are alone, books are our good friends.

When we are lonely, books help us get rid of the feeling of loneliness; when we encounter difficulties, they encourage us to stand up again, but they always help us. Not all books are wortli. Reading some books is harmful to our young people.

They commit crimes and lead them to prison. This is the result of the negative impact of these unworthy books on their young readers. Therefore, it is very important to use books wisely.

Our purpose is not only to read them, but also to make more use of what we have learned in practice and to acquire more knowledge in our life.





We went to see the elephant show. The elephant was painting. It was so beautiful, even more beautiful than me.

The elephant played football. They even danced and sang. The most exciting part was riding an elephant.

The elephant was so high. It walked so slowly and so heavy that I felt very scared. Because the elephant always gave the elephant a banana.

It was so interesting. I was afraid that it would bite my hand.






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