
关于”保护地球“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Protect the Earth。以下是关于保护地球的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”保护地球“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Protect the Earth。以下是关于保护地球的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Protect the Earth

The earth is our mother. There is no earth and no life. It provides us with enough water, sunshine, minerals and so on.

So I can even say that we can only live on the earth. Perhaps no celestial body like the earth can survive. But there is only one earth in the world.

So please protect it and protect our "mother". We can save water, sunshine, minerals and so on Tree planting and other small things to do, so please do it now, for our own sake, for our young generation.




English: English to Protect the Earth

Nowadays, environmental issues are becoming more prominent and it is important for everyone to take action to protect our planet. As English learners, we can contribute to this cause by using English to spread awareness and promote environmental conservation.

Using English, we can educate ourselves and others about the importance of preserving the Earth's natural resources. By learning about environmental issues in English, we can gain a deeper understanding of the problems we face and be better equipped to find solutions. Additionally, we can read articles, watch documentaries, and partite in online discussions in English to stay updated on the latest environmental research and developments.

Furthermore, we can use English to share our ideas and concerns with a wider audience. Through writing essays, giving presentations, or creating videos in English, we can raise awareness about environmental issues and inspire others to take action. By communicating in English, we have the opportunity to reach not only our local community but also people from around the world who are passionate about protecting the environment.

Moreover, English can be utilized to collaborate with international organizations and partite in global initiatives focused on environmental conservation. By joining international conferences or volunteering in environmental projects abroad, we can use English to communicate and work with individuals from different countries who share the same goal of saving the planet.

In conclusion, as English learners, we have the power to utilize this language to protect the Earth. By educating ourselves and others, sharing our ideas, and collaborating with international communities, we can make a positive impact on the environment. Let's take advantage of the opportunities that English provides us and work together to preserve our beautiful planet for future generations.
















Protecting the Earth

The Earth is our home where we live in. It provides us with beautiful natural scenery, fresh air, sweet water sources and abundant resources. However, with the increasing of human population and industrialization, the earth is facing more and more threats, such as global warming, climate change, environmental pollution and so on. Protecting the Earth has become the responsibility and obligation of each of us.

We can protect the Earth in the following ways:

1. Reducing the use of plastics: Plastic pollution has caused great harm to the Earth, so we should try to reduce the use of plastic bags, disposable plastic tableware and so on.

2. Saving water: Water is the source of life, we should cherish every drop of water. We can take measures such as washing cars with a bucket of water, turning off the faucets to save water.

3. Riding bikes or walking: The exhaust emissions of cars and motorcycles are one of the major sources of pollution to the Earth's environment, so we can choose to take public transportation, ride bikes or walk to reduce pollution to the Earth's environment.

4. Planting green plants: Plants can absorb carbon dioxide to improve air quality. Therefore, we can plant green plants on our balconies or in our communities to contribute to the Earth.

As long as everyone can start from themselves and take practical actions to protect the Earth, it can not only improve our living environment, but also leave a better Earth for future generations.





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