以my holiday为题的英语作文_高中高分英语作文2篇

关于”以my holiday为题“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:As the topic of my holiday。以下是关于以my holiday为题的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

以my holiday为题的英语作文_高中高分英语作文2篇

关于”以my holiday为题“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:As the topic of my holiday。以下是关于以my holiday为题的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:As the topic of my holiday

My Holiday

During my holiday, I had a wonderful time with my family and friends. We went on a camping trip in the mountains and enjoyed the beautiful scenery and fresh air. We hiked and explored the area, discovering hidden lakes and watells.

In addition, I spent some quality time with my parents. We visited museums and art galleries, and tried new restaurants. We also took a cooking class together and learned how to make traditional dishes from different countries.

Furthermore, I caught up with some old friends and made new ones. We went to the beach, played sports, and had barbecues. It was so much fun spending time with them and creating new memories.

Overall, my holiday was a great balance of relaxation, adventure, and fun. I feel refreshed and ready to tackle the challenges of the new school year.






My robot last night, I had a beautiful dream. I was very excited that a robot came to my house. I called her pink because she was wearing a pink dress.

She did all my work in the house. She cleaned my house, cleaned the floor, made my bed, cooked. I asked when I would do my homework.

She did everything she could. She never complained about her body No need to rest for a few days. I'm glad that she has been serving me all day.

Suddenly, my dear pink disappears. When I cry, I find a message that says: my dear friend, I'm not a real girl. I'm treated as a person who has no feeling.

But in fact, I want to be free and play like a real girl But in your home, I may feel like I'm treated as a maid, regardless of anyone else. I feel I'm hurt. Goodbye, my little master.

Oh, I'm sorry for what I did. You're right. I should treat you as my real friend.

Remember, robots are also human beings.



满分英语范文3:以my holiday为题

My room is very beautiful. There is a big bed in my room. There is a big poster beside my bed.

There is a table beside my bed. There is a big lamp on the table. I like it because I can read with it at night.

I love my room very much. What about your room.






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