




Birthday Chinese students celebrate their birthday in different ways, but the most common way is to drink, sing and dance on the birthday day. A person usually receives gifts and good wishes from friends and parents. Parents will prepare a special dinner or cake to express their love for their children, because birthday celebration is one of the important activities in one's life.

It can be done in a more meaningful way. For example, we can buy flowers or cook a delicious meal for our mother on that day, in return for our parents' love.




My Birthday

Today is my birthday. I feel so happy and excited because it is a special day just for me. I am turning a year older, and I can't wait to celebrate with my family and friends.

In the morning, I woke up to the sound of my parents singing "Happy Birthday" to me. They had prepared a delicious breakfast with all my favorite foods. I blew out the candles on my birthday cake and made a wish for the year ahead.

After breakfast, I opened my presents. I received many thoughtful and amazing gifts from my loved ones. My parents gave me a new bicycle, which I had been wanting for a long time. I felt so grateful and thankful for the love and support I have in my life.

In the afternoon, my friends came over to celebrate with me. We played games, laughed, and had a great time together. We enjoyed a delicious feast, and my friends surprised me with a beautiful birthday card they had all signed.

As the day came to an end, I felt overwhelmed with joy and happiness. I realized how lucky I am to have such wonderful people in my life who care about me. My birthday was filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories that I will cherish forever.







(birthday) today is Mary's birthday. Many of Mary's friends are going to her house. Mary is wearing a beautiful dress.

There are many presents for her. Amy gives her a beautiful book. Lingling gives her a birthday card.

Her mother gives her a beautiful birthday cake. She is very happy that they eat birthday cake. They sing birthday songs.

They say happy Mary's birthday. They are playing games. They are very happy about it It was a good night and they had a good time.






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