
关于”高级过渡词“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Advanced transition words。以下是关于高级过渡词的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”高级过渡词“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Advanced transition words。以下是关于高级过渡词的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advanced transition words

1. Furthermore / Moreover / Additionally / In addition:此外 / 而且 / 另外 / 此外

2. On the other hand / However / Yet / Nevertheless:另一方面 / 然而 / 仍然 / 尽管如此

3. In contrast / Conversely:相反地

4. Therefore / Thus / Hence:因此 / 所以 / 因此

5. As a result / Consequently / Accordingly:因此 / 因此 / 因此

6. Firstly / First and foremost / To begin with:首先 / 首先 / 首先

7. Secondly / In the second place:其次 / 在第二个位置

8. Last but not least:最后但并非最不重要的

9. In summary / In conclusion:总之 / 最后

10. Likewise / Similarly:同样 / 同样

11. For instance / For example:例如 / 例如

12. Namely / That is to say:即 / 也就是说

13. Above all / Most importantly:最重要 / 最重要的是

14. In fact / Actually:实际上 / 事实上

15. In other words:换句话说

16. As a matter of fact:事实上

17. As far as … is concerned:就…而言

18. All things considered:总的来说

19. Be that as it may:尽管如此

20. By and large:总的来说

21. In any case:无论如何

22. In essence:实质上

23. Needless to say:不用说

24. At any rate:无论如何

25. As regards:关于

26. As such:作为这样


An Excellent Student with Advanced Transition Words


As we all know, a high level of English proficiency is essential for students who aspire to become successful in various fields. Besides grammar and vocabulary, another crucial aspect that distinguishes an excellent student from an average one is their ability to use advanced transition words effectively. These words act as bridges, connecting ideas and enhancing the flow of an essay or any form of written expression. Let us explore some commonly used English transition words and phrases along with their translations in Chinese.

Firstly, let's look at the transition words used for introducing ideas. To begin with, 'Furthermore' is an excellent word to use when adding information that supports the previous point. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of the information being added. 此外 is a commonly used translation for 'Furthermore'. Similarly, 'Moreover' can also be used interchangeably with 'Furthermore' to introduce additional information. Moreover, it helps to strengthen the argument. 此外 is also an appropriate translation for 'Moreover'.

Secondly, when contrasting ideas, we can use transition words like 'However' or 'On the other hand'. 'However' emphasizes the difference between two contrasting ideas, while 'On the other hand' introduces a contradictory perspective. 然而 is a suitable translation for 'However', and 另一方面 or 反之 expresses the meaning of 'On the other hand'.

Moving on to transition words used for providing examples, we have 'For instance' and 'For example'. These words are utilized to ilrate a point or provide evidence. 'For instance' can be translated as 例如 or 举个例子, while 'For example' is translated as 例如. It is important to note that both phrases can be used interchangeably in most cases.

Next, let's explore the transition words used for summarizing ideas. 'In conclusion' and 'To sum up' are commonly used words to signal the end of an essay or a paragraph. They are often followed by a brief summary of the main points discussed. 'In conclusion' can be translated as 总而言之, and 'To sum up' as 总结起来. Both phrases are widely used and appropriate for academic writing.

In addition to the mentioned transition words, there are numerous others that can be used to enhance coherence and clarity in writing. Words such as 'Furthermore,' 'Moreover,' 'However,' 'On the other hand,' 'For instance,' 'For example,' 'In conclusion,' and 'To sum up' are just a few examples of the vast array of transition words available.

In conclusion, incorporating advanced transition words into writing demonstrates a high level of language proficiency and contributes to the overall effectiveness of the composition. Mastery of transition words helps an excellent student to convey ideas smoothly and logically. Therefore, it is essential for students to expand their vocabulary and practice using these words appropriately in order to excel in the realm of English composition.






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