
关于”课余生活“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Extra-curricular life。以下是关于课余生活的九年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”课余生活“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Extra-curricular life。以下是关于课余生活的九年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Extra-curricular life

As an English student, my after-school life is always filled with various activities that help me improve my language skills.


Firstly, I enjoy reading English novels and newspapers. This not only helps me expand my vocabulary but also enables me to understand the usage of different grammar structures.


Secondly, I often watch English movies and TV shows. By listening to the dialogue and paying attention to the unciation and intonation of the actors, I can develop my listening and speaking skills.


Thirdly, I partite in English-speaking clubs and groups in my school. By practicing with other English learners, I can improve my communication skills and gain confidence in speaking English.


In short, my after-school life is a time for me to continue learning and practicing English. By integrating English activities into my everyday routine, I am confident that I can achieve my language goals.



Whether ninth grade students should take part in extracurricular activities has attracted the attention of many teachers, students and parents. They say that colorful extracurricular activities can help students reduce their study pressure, but also make them strong and healthy. Some people disagree because they think it is a waste.

I think that extracurricular activities are not only beneficial to their health, but also helpful They recover their spirits and learn better.




In my spare time, I'm always busy doing all kinds of things. From Monday to Friday, I have to study at school. So my spare time is only on weekends.

I like to play computer games at home. I usually play with my friends. Sometimes I help my parents do housework at night.

I often go to the movies. My favorite movies are Superman and spider man. I want to be a hero To help those who need help in the future.

I want to make full use of my spare time. I usually do three things in my spare time: reading, playing basketball, and hanging out on the Internet. Reading is one of the three favorite ways in my spare time.

But I don't like reading at home. I prefer reading in the library. We have a community library on the street.

Although it is small, it is kept There are a lot of books. I will go there on weekends and afternoons to see the new things in the library. Then I can sit in the reading room and read the best magazines and newspapers in the world.

In the warm and sweet afternoon sunshine with the fragrance of books, reading has certainly become one of the best ways to use my spare time. Don't mistake me for a person who loves reading. I also love sports.

I like to spend weekends with my friends Playing basketball, we usually do this, which helps me get the essence of teamwork and help me become a better leader in school projects. In recent years, the Internet has become a major media. My love for the Internet is growing.

When I am not studying, I will go online to chat with my friends and people from all over the world and learn different cultures I also want to see the employers who are looking for jobs and try to find a basic job. That's how I spend most of my spare time. Reading is a good way to absorb knowledge and be familiar with news events.

Playing basketball with friends helps me develop my ability of teamwork and interpersonal communication. Surfing the Internet brings me into contact with different cultures and people from different backgrounds in the world.







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