
关于”三峡大坝“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Three Gorges Dam。以下是关于三峡大坝的四年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”三峡大坝“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Three Gorges Dam。以下是关于三峡大坝的四年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Three Gorges Dam

Three Gorges Dam


The Three Gorges Dam is a magnificent engineering project located on the Yangtze River in China. It is the largest hydroelectric power station in the world and has been an important symbol of China's economic development and technological advancements.


Construction of the dam began in 1994 and was completed in 2006. It was a challenging and ambitious undertaking, as it involved the relocation of over a million people and the flooding of numerous towns and villages along the river. However, the benefits of the dam are enormous. It has helped to control frequent flooding on the Yangtze River and has provided a reliable source of clean energy for the region.


Furthermore, the dam has facilitated navigation along the Yangtze River, improving transportation efficiency and reducing shipping costs. It has also created a vast reservoir that not only serves as a source of drinking water but also supports irrigation for agricultural activities in the region. Additionally, the dam has become a popular tourist attraction, attracting millions of visitors each year who are interested in witnessing this remarkable feat of engineering.


Despite its many benefits, the dam also faces some challenges. Environmentalists have expressed concerns about the dam's impact on the ecosystem, including the displacement of wildlife and the alteration of the river's natural flow. There have also been concerns about the safety of the dam, as it is located in an earthquake-e area. However, extensive research and measures have been undertaken to address these concerns and mitigate potential risks.


In conclusion, the Three Gorges Dam is a remarkable engineering achievement that has brought numerous benefits to the region. It has not only provided clean energy and improved navigation but also played a role in flood control and water supply. While there are challenges and concerns, the dam stands as a testament to China's ability to undertake large-scale infrastructure projects and contribute to sustainable development.



The Three Gorges Dam is a monumental hydroelectric power station located on the Yangtze River in China. It is considered to be one of the largest and most ambitious engineering projects in the world.

The dam was constructed with the primary aim of controlling flooding along the Yangtze River, as this area is known for its frequent and devastating floods. It also generates a significant amount of electricity, serving as a reliable source of clean energy for China.

The construction of the dam began in 1994 and was completed in 2006. It stands at a staggering height of 185 meters, it one of the tallest dams in the world. The dam is over two kilometers long and has a width of approximately 115 meters. It holds a massive reservoir with a capacity of over 39 billion cubic meters of water, which stretches for about 660 kilometers behind the dam.

The Three Gorges Dam has brought several significant benefits to the region and the country as a whole. It has effectively reduced the risk of flooding, protecting millions of people and valuable agricultural land. The dam has also facilitated inland navigation and allows for larger ships to traverse the river, boosting trade and transportation in the area. Furthermore, the dam has greatly contributed to China's renewable energy production, producing about 100 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity annually.

However, the construction of the dam also faced numerous challenges and controversies. The project led to the displacement of over a million people due to the massive reservoir behind the dam. It also caused significant ecological changes, including the loss of wildlife habitats and increased sedimentation downstream. The dam's impact on the local environment and cultural heritage has been a subject of ongoing debate.

Overall, the Three Gorges Dam represents a remarkable feat of engineering and has played a crucial role in flood control, electricity generation, and transportation on the Yangtze River. It symbolizes China's commitment to sustainable development and has become an iconic landmark in the country's history.








The Three Gorges Dam project is one of the most controversial River problems in the world. The Yangtze River is the third largest river in the world. The foot dam will form a reservoir of 1 billion cubic meters, which can extend for several miles.

This is not only the largest dam in history, but also the largest construction project. The financial support comes from many national and international sources, including American companies. China also seeks external engineering and construction consulting from Caterpillar construction company and other companies.

The Yangtze River dam is the first power generation project proposed by Sun Yat sen in. Because of the economic and political conflicts that many leaders dream of, this proposal has never produced. Controlling life along the Yangtze River can be dangerous, as it is well known that deadly floods have destroyed cities and life.

6 most of the controversies involve the migration of one million people living in flooded areas, and the potential loss of many archaeological relics 'the dam will cause damage to the environment, protesting in the book that the dam was banned and Qing was jailed for several months, a move by the Chinese government that has raised doubts about possible corruption in the project. China has also been criticized for this costly and risky project. Many people say that it would be more efficient to build a smaller dam on the river than a huge one.

Some even claimed that the dam was used as a monument to socialist success. Philip Williams of the international river network said, "there is something grand that attracts an instinct of arrogance, which not only overwhelms economic considerations, but sometimes even rational ones Political judgment "China should be able to start generating electricity for the country.







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