
关于”我的城市“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My city。以下是关于我的城市的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”我的城市“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My city。以下是关于我的城市的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My city

(our city) our city is a new developing city. It was founded in the early s of the S. water, gas, electricity and other energy infrastructure are complete.

From here, you can get anywhere, whether by sea, air or land. There is a road to the capital. Besides, Beijing has many other advantages, such as rich natural resources and good public security in the surrounding areas The most important thing is that the munil government supports foreign investment in many ways.

This city is full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm. It is a good place for investors.




My city, how wonderful this city is. You know the name of this city is Haimen. It's my birthplace.

It's very beautiful. There are many trees in the street. They are very big in the street.

You can see many buildings. Some old people and children are crossing the road. The children are running very fast.

I think it is very dangerous. Haimen is a young city. There are many young people in it.

You can see a lot of people on the street, in shopping malls and other places. The education of Ximen is very good. You can see some schools near the street Many pioneers are very smart.

The buildings in Haimen are very good. For example, people's hospital. I live in fuming district.

I love my home. Haimen is very good. Do you think so? Welcome to Haimen.




(my city) I live in Hangzhou. It's a beautiful city. Every year it attracts a large number of tourists to come here.

We have the West Lake and many places of interest. I think one day, when you see it, you will like it. I think I will do my best to protect our city and contribute to it.

I think if everyone protects it, my city will become more beautiful and love my city.







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