
关于”2021年甲卷“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:In English, 2021 Year A Volume。以下是关于2021年甲卷的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”2021年甲卷“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:In English, 2021 Year A Volume。以下是关于2021年甲卷的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:In English, 2021 Year A Volume


As an English expert, I am here to provide you with a sample essay for the 2021 English exam.


Title: The Importance of Cultural Exchange in a Globalized World


In today's globalized world, cultural exchange has become increasingly important. With the rapid development of technology and transportation, people from different countries and cultures are more connected than ever before. Therefore, it is essential to promote cultural exchange in order to foster understanding, appreciation, and respect between nations. This essay will discuss the significance of cultural exchange and its benefits for individuals and societies.


Firstly, cultural exchange enhances mutual understanding and promotes tolerance among nations. When individuals have the opportunity to learn about different cultures, they become more open-minded and appreciative of diversity. This understanding helps to break down stereotypes and prejudices that may exist between nations, fostering harmonious relationships. Furthermore, through cultural exchange, people can gain insights into other societies' values, beliefs, and customs, leading to increased tolerance and empathy.


Secondly, cultural exchange stimulates creativity and innovation. When different cultures interact, new ideas and perspectives are born. Exposure to diverse art forms, music, literature, and cuisines broadens individuals' horizons and sparks their imagination. This cross-pollination of ideas leads to fresh insights and innovative solutions to global challenges. By embracing cultural exchange, societies can tap into the creative potential of their citizens, leading to progress and development.


Lastly, cultural exchange helps preserve and promote intangible cultural heritage. Each society has its own unique traditions, rituals, and practices that define its identity. By engaging in cultural exchange, these traditions are shared and celebrated, preventing the loss of cultural heritage. Furthermore, cultural exchange allows societies to showcase their rich history and traditions, attracting tourism and contributing to the local economy.


In conclusion, cultural exchange plays a vital role in today's globalized world. It fosters understanding, appreciation, and respect among nations, stimulates creativity and innovation, and helps preserve and promote cultural heritage. To build a harmonious and prosperous world, it is crucial for individuals and societies to actively engage in cultural exchange and embrace the diversity that our world has to offer.


(Word count: 449 words)





1. 介绍比赛内容;

2. 阐述参赛的重要性;

3. 分享一些备战的经验。

提示词语:英语演讲比赛——date, location, theme;参赛的重要性——communication skills, confidence, broaden horizons;备战的经验——practice, feedback, time management。



Dear all,

I am honored to be here today to introduce our upcoming English speech competition. This event will be held on [date] at [location], and the theme is [theme].

Partiting in this competition is not only a chance to showcase your language ability, but also an opportunity to develop your communication skills, boost your confidence, and broaden your horizons. It allows you to interact with other contestants and judges, learn from their perspectives and cultures, and expand your knowledge of the world.

As for some tips on how to prepare for this competition, there are a few things that I find useful. First, practice makes perfect. Try to practice your speech as much as possible, in front of a mirror or with a friend, and pay attention to your unciation, intonation, and body language. Second, seek feedback from others, such as your classmates or teachers, and use it to improve your presentation. Finally, manage your time wisely, and make sure you have enough time to rehe, revise, and memorize your speech.

I wish you all the best of luck in this competition, and hope to see you deliver a fantastic speech!


Li Hua


Dear President,

I am writing to express my concern about the problem of plastic waste. This is a serious issue that affects not only our country but also the entire world. Plastic waste has become a global environmental crisis, causing harm to marine life and polluting our land.

It is estimated that only 9% of plastic waste has ever been recycled. Most of the plastic waste ends up in landfills, incinerators, or worse, in the ocean. Plastic waste in the ocean not only kills marine animals but also enters the food chain and eventually harms human health.

Therefore, we need to take action to reduce plastic waste. First, we should strengthen the management of plastic waste. We need to establish a comprehensive system that can ensure the effective collection, transportation, and disposal of plastic waste. Second, we should promote the use of eco-friendly alternatives to plastics. For example, we can encourage the use of reusable bags, bottles, and utensils. Third, we should raise public awareness about the importance of reducing plastic waste. We can educate the public about the environmental impact of plastic waste and encourage them to take actions to reduce their own plastic waste.

In conclusion, reducing plastic waste is a global challenge that requires collective efforts from every individual and every country. I hope that our government can take decisive action to tackle this problem and make our planet a cleaner and healthier place for all.


[Your Name]













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