




Dear teacher: This is a special day. We present a bunch of flowers, give a gift to your peach and plum world, compose a song of joy, le your eyes, dispel fatigue, and sing for your lax wrinkles. Thank you, teacher.

Thank you for not learning a craft, but it has become a kind of happiness. Thank you for letting me Know their value, thank you for helping me find their expertise, but let me do things better. Thank you for being a person I can never believe that will encounter difficulties in their life.

Singing is a blessing: teacher, happy holidays, never satisfied in learning, tireless in teaching, fragrant peach and plum, their music is happy and harmonious, I wish you a holiday Happy not only in today's teacher's day, but also tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, too good. I wish you every day, every minute, every second, the suce is always the same smile singing: teacher, you work hard with sweat, nurturing the tender buds of spring, just burst out of the ground, your care is like a warm spring, warm our hearts, let us guard your healthy growth, You have illuminated our hope, enriched our hearts and added our wisdom. Thank you, teacher.

I wish you health and happiness forever,.




Thank you for listening to my self-introduction. If you have any questions or would like to know more about me, please feel free to ask.



Winter vacation is coming. I want to stay at home and read some books. I think these books are good for me and I want to study.

Of course, I need enough free time to relax. I will help my parents do housework. They go to work every day.

I will try my best to help them. I go to my grandmother's house. I think it must be good because she always visits me and my parents.

I will go for a walk with my grandmother and tell her to protect her Keep healthy. I think I'll have a good time.






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