
关于”下册第四单元“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The fourth unit of the second half。以下是关于下册第四单元的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。


关于”下册第四单元“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The fourth unit of the second half。以下是关于下册第四单元的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The fourth unit of the second half

There are two monks living next door, so-called next door: the mountain they are adjacent to the two mountains in the temple this is a stream between the two mountains so the two monks swim down to water at the same time every day as time goes by, they become friends so, every time they are in the water, they have spent five years unconsciously and then suddenly one day, the boy left the mountain without water ‰ the mountain monk on the right thought: "he overslept" and then the same ‰ look, God knows whether the mountain is or not, the monk is on the third day a week later, or similar until a month later, on the right side of the mountain, the last monk he thought: "my friend, I may be ill, the last visit to him, see what can help"; so he climbed up the mountain to visit his old friend; he arrived The house on the mountain he saw his friends and was very surprised because all his friends played Tai Chi in front of the temple nothing like a month to drink he asked: "Qi Qi, wait for you to have a month, go down to the water you can't drink leaving the mountain, the monk said:" come on, I'll take you to have a look " and then he took the monk on the mountain to the backyard just as akujing said:" after I finish my homework in the past five years Today, I finally dig a well. I don't have to water any more. Can I have more time? Do I like Taijiquan.


隔壁住着两个和尚,所谓的就是隔壁:那座山 他们在寺庙里的两座山相邻 这是两座山之间的一条小溪 于是这两个和尚,每天同时往下游浇水 随着时间的推移,他们成了朋友 所以,每次在水中,不知不觉中自己过了五年 然后突然有一天,男孩离开山上没有水下来‰右边的山和尚想:“他睡过头了”然后一样‰看,天知道山与否,和尚是在第三天 一个星期后,或类似的 直到一个月后,在山的右边,最后一个和尚 他想:“我的朋友,我可能生病了最后一次访问他, 看什么可帮忙“;于是他爬上山去拜访他的老朋友;他到了山上的房子 看到了他的朋友,很惊讶 因为他的朋友都在寺庙前打太极 什么也不像一个月能喝 他问:“七气等你有一个月,下去水 你不能喝” 离开山和尚说:“来吧,我带你去看看“ 然后他带着山上的和尚右转走到后院 正如阿寇井所说:“这五年我做完作业后,我每天都要串7 这次挖坑口虽然有时很忙,甚至能挖多少 今天,我终于挖井了,我不用再浇水了,我能有更多的时间,我喜欢太极拳吗。


What's your attitude towards the second child in your family? It's really good that we can have a second child in our family, because the second child is younger than the first child, we must care more about him / her, give more care and help to the second child, teach him / her how to walk and behave like a brother or sister in the family. You need to help your parents do something for your brother / sister, communicate with him / her, and often set up for him / her A role model for a good child. Of course, I'm happy to have a second child at home.




My Favorite Sport

My favorite sport is swimming. I love to swim because it's a great way to exercise and stay active while having fun at the same time. When I'm in the water, I feel weightless and free. Plus, it's a great way to cool off on a hot day!





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