
关于”2019天津“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Tianjin, 2019。以下是关于2019天津的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”2019天津“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Tianjin, 2019。以下是关于2019天津的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Tianjin, 2019

In recent years, more and more young people have been keen on pursuing fame and fortune, while ignoring the importance of a simple and happy life. In my opinion, being content with a simple life is crucial to our physical and mental health.


Firstly, a simple life can reduce stress and anxiety. In today's fast-paced society, people are often overwhelmed by work pressure and social expectations. However, choosing a simple way of life means that we can focus on what really matters to us, and reduce the stress caused by comparisons and competitions.


Secondly, a simple life can promote positive relationships. Instead of pursuing material wealth, we can focus on building genuine connections with people around us. By spending more time with family and friends, we can strengthen our relationships and create a nurturing environment that supports our well-being.


Lastly, a simple life can contribute to sustainability. By consuming less and living more simply, we can reduce our environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable world. We can also inspire others to follow our lead and make conscious choices to protect the planet.


In conclusion, a simple life may not always be easy, but it can lead to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. Let us learn to appreciate the beauty of simplicity and embrace a lifestyle that benefits both ourselves and our planet.



Possible Tianjin Gaokao English Writing Prompt:


Possible Tianjin Gaokao English Writing Sample:

Dear classmates,

I'm Li Hua from Class 2 Grade 3. Today, I'm honored to share with you my thoughts about how to create a green campus.

As you may know, our school has decided to launch the Green Campus Action, which aims to raise awareness of environmental protection and cultivate green habits among students. This is a crucial issue, not only for our own well-being but also for the future of our planet.

We can start by reducing the use of disposable items, such as plastic bags, water bottles, and straws. Instead, we can bring our own reusable bags, containers, and cups. This can not only save money but also reduce waste and pollution.

We can also practice energy conservation by turning off lights, fans, and air conditioners when they are not needed. We can use natural light and ventilation whenever possible. We can also encourage our families to use energy-efficient appliances and renewable energy sources.

Another way to create a green campus is to promote green transportation. We can walk, bike, or take public transportation instead of driving or being driven. We can also carpool or ride-share with classmates or friends. This can not only save fuel but also reduce traffic congestion and carbon emissions.

Last but not least, we can plant more trees and flowers, and take care of them. We can also recycle paper, plastic, and other waste materials properly. We can partite in environmental campaigns and volunteer activities, such as beach cleanups, tree-planting events, and eco-tours.

Dear classmates, I hope my speech has inspired you to join the Green Campus Action and make a difference in our daily lives. Let's work together to create a more sustainable and livable world for ourselves and the future generations. Thank you!











高考英语作文题目:My View on the Influence of the Internet



With the rapid development of the Internet, it has become an indispensable part of our daily life. It brings us convenience and a wealth of information, but at the same time, it also brings many negative influences.


However, the influence of the Internet is not all positive. For example, the Internet has a negative impact on our physical and mental health. Many people spend too much time online, which can lead to obesity, eye strain, and other health problems. In addition, the Internet can also be a source of negative information, such as fake news and cyberbullying, which can seriously harm our mental health.


In conclusion, while the Internet brings us many conveniences and benefits, we should also be aware of its negative influences and take measures to protect ourselves from them.





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