




There is a small garden behind our house. It is beautiful all the year round. Spring is coming.

The garden is green. The earth is like a green blanket. Birds are singing on the trees.

The quiet garden becomes vigorous in summer. All kinds of trees are tall and strong. Golden sunflowers are blooming in the sun and waving in the wind.

Other flowers are as red as fire and sending out sweet The smell attracted many bees to dance around them. In autumn, apples, pears and other fruits come out from the leaves, just like the bells on the trees on the ground. You can see oranges and big pumpkins here.

In winter, it snows again. The trees in the garden are covered with snow. The ground is all white.

Only a few green vegetable leaves are exposed from Bennet. What a beautiful garden.





I have a beautiful garden at home. It is not very big, but it is full of various flowers, such as roses, lilies, and daisies. Every morning when I wake up, I can see the colorful flowers in the garden through the window, which makes me feel happy and peaceful.

I spend a lot of time taking care of the garden. I water the flowers every day, remove the s, and fertilize the soil regularly. I also like to plant some new flowers and vegetables in the garden. It is a great pleasure to watch them grow and bloom.

In the evening, I often sit in the garden to enjoy the fresh air and the tranquility. Sometimes, I invite my friends to have a party in the garden. We listen to music, chat and have fun together. The garden is not only a place for me to relax, but also a place for me to share happiness with others.






My mother's gardener my mother is very good at raising flowers and plants. We have flowers and plants indoors and outdoors all year round. Some plants are small at first, but now they are big and beautiful.

There is a big glass greenhouse on our roof. All friends like to come to my house to see the beautiful world my mother has created for us. Every morning and evening, we see my mother taking care of her like a child Because her real children grow up and become more independent, my mother spends more time in her garden, which is a good way to spend her free time.






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