
关于”下册第四单元“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The fourth unit of the second half。以下是关于下册第四单元的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”下册第四单元“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The fourth unit of the second half。以下是关于下册第四单元的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The fourth unit of the second half

With the development of science and technology, online games are becoming more and more popular in our life. The emergence of online games has brought some benefits to college students. They can release pressure, relax themselves and enrich their spare time.

Now many people are addicted to online games. This phenomenon has aroused people's attention and become a hot topic on microblog. The author believes that frequent playing online games is harmful to the growth of college students.

Many students shorten their sleep time in order to play online games, resulting in lack of energy. Second, playing games will also consume a lot of money, affecting our spending in other aspects. Third, addicted to games, students will not partite in physical exercise, which is extremely harmful to their health.

In short, students do not Should be addicted to online games, can develop other hobbies to enrich their lives.




What's your attitude towards the second child in your family? It's really good that we can have a second child in our family, because the second child is younger than the first child, we must care more about him / her, give more care and help to the second child, teach him / her how to walk and behave like a brother or sister in the family. You need to help your parents do something for your brother / sister, communicate with him / her, and often set up for him / her A role model for a good child. Of course, I'm happy to have a second child at home.











My Holiday Plans

I am really excited about the upcoming holiday. During the holiday, I plan to do some fun things.

Firstly, I plan to go hiking with my family. We will choose a beautiful scenic area and enjoy the beauty of nature. I will bring my camera along to capture those wonderful moments.

Secondly, I also plan to go to the cinema to watch a movie. I heard that there is a very interesting comedy film showing, and I want to go and enjoy it with my friends. I believe we will have a great time.

Thirdly, I plan to use the free time during the holiday to read some good books. I have bought a few interesting novels and I can't wait to start reading them. Reading is my favorite hobby, and I hope to find a quiet place to enjoy the pleasure of reading.

Lastly, I also plan to visit a museum. I am very interested in history, so I want to learn more about the past. I believe it will be a very meaningful experience.

These are my holiday plans. I believe I will have a fulfilling and enjoyable vacation.




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