




Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. From the end of January to the beginning of February, Chinese people are busy preparing for the new year. They clean the house, have a haircut, buy new clothes, and dumplings or dumplings are the most common for those who are far away from home.

This festival is also a fragile day for reunion. They often go home to celebrate the new year with their families. The first day of the new year is when people visit friends and wish each other good luck in the new year.

The Chinese name "Qingming" literally means "Qingming." Qingming Festival is an important festival to celebrate spring, similar to the Spring Festival of other cultures. Qingming Festival celebrates the rebirth of nature and marks the beginning of planting season and other outdoor activities.




Our company has sent a batch of goods by DHL in July (the value stated on the invoice was inadvertently written as $, and it should be $, so we submitted a revised invoice to correct this clerical error. We are only acting as the agent of the goods. The origin of the goods is: in order to clarify our position, we have added the word "representative".

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to us. We hope that the Vietnamese customs can accept the above contents and thank you very much for your assistance.




Customs refer to the traditional practices or beliefs in a particular society, passed down from generation to generation. These customs are often deeply embedded in the culture and can be observed in various aspects of daily life.

For example, in China, it is a custom to offer red envelopes filled with money during special occasions such as weddings, birthdays, and the Lunar New Year. This gesture is seen as a sign of good luck and prosperity. Similarly, in India, the custom of arranged marriages is still prevalent in many communities. The families of the bride and groom come together to arrange the marriage, often with the help of a matchmaker.

Another example of customs can be seen in the food we eat. In Japan, it is customary to eat soba noodles on New Year's Eve, as the long noodles symbolize longevity. In Mexico, it is customary to prepare and eat tamales during the Christmas season. These traditions not only provide a sense of cultural identity but also bring people together in celebration and unity.

However, as society evolves and becomes more diverse, some customs may be challenged or altered. For example, in many western countries, the traditional practice of a man proposing marriage to a woman is changing, as more women are now proposing to their partners.

In conclusion, customs are an essential part of a society's culture, providing a sense of identity, history, and community. While some customs may evolve or disappear, they will always remain a crucial element in our understanding of different cultures.





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