
关于”低头族“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Head-down group。以下是关于低头族的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”低头族“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Head-down group。以下是关于低头族的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Head-down group


In modern society, with the development of information technology, people's way of life is increasingly dependent on electronic devices, especially smartphones. Along with it comes a new concept - "low head tribe", referring to people who immerse themselves in their phones or computers all day with their heads down. English writing has also become representative of the low head tribe.


Many students tend to look down at their phones while writing, which not only affects their writing efficiency, but also lowers their writing quality. Firstly, the angle and distance of the eyes when looking down are not suitable, which can cause eye damage. Secondly, looking down for a long time can cause symptoms such as cervical spondylosis. Most importantly, looking down at the phone easily distracts students' attention, resulting in confused thinking, and writing an incoherent and unpersuasive essay.


Therefore, in order to avoid becoming a low head tribe in English writing, we need to pay attention to the following points. Firstly, we need to maintain a normal distance for our eyes and adjust the viewing angle, which can be achieved by using a desk or chair of appropriate height. Secondly, we can use laptops or other large-screen devices to write, which can raise our eyes and provide greater comfort. Finally, we should try to minimize the use of our phones and make full use of our writing time to improve our writing efficiency and quality.


In conclusion, being a low head tribe in English writing is a bad writing habit that not only harms our physical health, but also affects our writing effectiveness. We need to have a correct understanding of the importance of writing habits, change bad writing habits, and improve our writing quality and level.


Title: The Phenomenon of "Neck-bending" and Learning English


As technology has developed rapidly in recent years, people have been addicted to various smart devices such as smartphones and tablets. However, the behavior of "neck-bending", which refers to bowing one's head to look at a device for a long time, has become a widespread problem among young people. This phenomenon has not only caused physical damage to their cervical spine, but it has also affected their English learning.


Firstly, the excessive use of electronic devices has led to less time devoted to English learning. Young people tend to spend more time on their devices rather than studying English. As a result, they may be unable to grasp the grammar and vocabulary needed to communicate effectively in English.


Secondly, language learning requires concentration and focus, but "neck-bending" can easily cause fatigue and a lack of attention. Many young people find it difficult to concentrate on learning English because of long periods of using electronic devices. This in turn affects their ability to remember new vocabulary and grammar rules.


Therefore, it is crucial for young people to reduce the amount of time devoted to electronic devices and pay more attention to their English learning. They can choose to study English through a variety of ways, such as reading English books, watching English movies, and partiting in language exchange activities. These methods not only improve their language skills but also provide a more effective way to relieve stress and relax.


In conclusion, "neck-bending" has become a serious problem among young people and has affected their English learning in particular. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the impact of this behavior and develop good English learning habits.



With the development of science and the improvement of people's living standards, mobile phones have been popularized in thousands of households. Mobile phones are attracting people's attention with their practical functions, especially among young people. We call them "fat people".

Whenever they are busy playing with mobile phones, such as QQ and wechat, they are addicted to mobile phones, but ignore their families Some of them are short-sighted because of playing with mobile phones for a long time. Some of them are killed while crossing the road. Mobile phones are really important to us.

Nothing is more important than family and life. So put down your mobile phones. With the development of science and the improvement of people's living standards, more and more time is spent with their families.

Mobile phones have been widely used in thousands of households. Mobile phones attract people's attention with their practical functions. Especially among young people, we call them "fat people" at any time.

They are busy playing with mobile phones, such as QQ, wechat and so on. They are addicted to mobile phones, but ignore their families. Some of them are short-sighted because of playing with mobile phones for a long time.

Some of them are killed when crossing the road It's really important. There's nothing more important than family and life, so put down your phone and spend more time with your family.






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