
关于”绿色城市“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Green City。以下是关于绿色城市的三年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”绿色城市“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Green City。以下是关于绿色城市的三年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Green City

With the rapid development of industry and commerce, the number of trees in many big cities has been greatly reduced. There are many advantages to make our cities more green. It needs the national efforts to make our cities green.

The number of trees in many big cities is sharply reduced. People are trying to prevent people from cutting down more trees, but many trees are being ignored by those who have never thought about it The importance of green plants is destroyed by people. First of all, greening has many advantages.

It can make our air cleaner. Some researchers have proved that trees can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by absorbing them. Second, it can make our city more beautiful.

There are flowers and trees everywhere. Finally, it can improve people's living conditions. It can produce wood, which is an effective way to solve the problem of limited supply To make our city greener by natural resources needs the efforts of the people of the whole country.

People in every field should not only realize the importance of maintaining the quality of environment, but also take joint action to plant more trees and flowers to improve our living conditions.




With the development of economy and in the process of ization, more and more high-rise buildings are being built in large and medium-sized cities in China. However, it is unscientific to judge the modernization level of a city by the number of high-rise buildings. In recent years, a new concept of environmental image has emerged, which emphasizes that modern cities must have effective environmental promotion In order to add more green plants to the city, there must be a proper proportion of green space, clean water and fresh air.

I would like to put forward the following suggestions: promote vertical greening technology, that is, plant more green leaves such as Boston ivy in dense buildings, make full use of the roof space of buildings to plant flowers and fruits, and reserve certain green belt and green space in new buildings Measures should be taken to enhance residents' awareness of greening, such as encouraging people to plant wedding trees and birthday trees.









Green City

With the continuous advancement of ization, the deterioration of ecological environment has become an increasingly severe problem. Building a green city has become the mission and responsibility of each and every one of us. What is a green city? A green city is a city that puts people first, focuses on ecology, and improves the quality of life. Its development is always based on ecological protection and the reduction of environmental pollution, absorbing all elements that are beneficial to the health, beauty, and sustainable development of the city.

To build a green city, we should take some measures. First, we should eliminate air, water, noise, and other pollutants, make the city's air fresher, water cleaner, and reduce the degree of noise pollution in the city. Secondly, we should encourage green travel, promote low-carbon travel such as walking and cycling, reduce the use of motor vehicles, and alleviate traffic congestion and air pollution. Finally, we should implement a garbage classification system, classify recyclable and hazardous waste for processing, and reduce environmental pollution.

While building a green city, we should also pay attention to the quality of life of residents. We should pay attention to the city's public facilities, build more parks, squares, and green spaces, and provide better leisure and entertainment places, so that citizens can enjoy a better life in the busy work. We should also strengthen environmental education, cultivate people's environmental awareness, and let the green concept take root and sprout in people's hearts.

In the process of continuously advancing ization, building a green city has become an inevitable responsibility for us. Let us work together to build a better city, and let green become the most beautiful background color of the city.





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