
关于”介绍高铁“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Introduction of High-Speed Rail。以下是关于介绍高铁的三年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”介绍高铁“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Introduction of High-Speed Rail。以下是关于介绍高铁的三年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction of High-Speed Rail

GKm / HD km / HKM / hzkm / htkm / hkkm / h high-speed railway train (g EMU passenger train with speed of about TKM / h (D speed I is usually between km / h, modern has increased about km / h direct express train (z), high-speed train (T) with speed above km / h, ordinary fast train (k) with speed about km / h, with speed about km / h, but actually the time will be longer due to road reasons.


Gkm/hD km/hKm/hZKm/hTkm/hKKm/h高速铁路列车(G速度约为Tkm/h的EMU旅客列车(D速度i通常在km/h之间,现代已提高了约km/h的直达特快列车(Z),速度在km/h以上的快速列车(T),速度约km/h的普通快速列车(K),速度约km/h,但由于道路的原因,实际上时间会更长。


High-speed railway, also known as bullet train, is a type of advanced transportation system that uses electric power to propel trains at high speeds. It is a modern and efficient way of traveling that has become increasingly popular around the world.

As of 2021, China has the largest high-speed railway network in the world, covering over 37,000 kilometers. The fastest train in the country can reach speeds of up to 350 kilometers per hour. Japan was the first country to introduce high-speed railways in the 1960s, and now has a network that spans over 2,700 kilometers.

The benefits of high-speed railways are numerous. They reduce travel time between cities, promote economic growth, reduce environmental pollution by providing an alternative to air and road transportation, and improve overall transportation efficiency. Moreover, high-speed railways are generally considered to be safer than other modes of transportation.

However, building and maintaining high-speed railways can also be expensive, and some regions may not have the necessary infrastructure to support such a system. In addition, high-speed railways may be subject to logistical challenges, such as scheng and ticketing issues.

Despite these challenges, high-speed railways are expected to continue to grow in popularity as more countries embrace this modern form of transportation. As technology continues to improve, the potential for even faster and more efficient high-speed railways will only increase.







There is no doubt that the railway is the first public transport vehicle invented by mankind. It first appeared in Britain in the early 19th century. Since then, according to the definition, high-speed railway came into being.

High speed railway refers to a new type of railway system. As early as the beginning of the century, the speed of the railway system exceeded km / h. in the year when Shinkansen appeared in Japan, almost no railway system could exceed km / h.

In addition to reaching a certain speed, the train itself and the railway must be improved at the same time With the development of science and technology, our railway system will be more and more advanced, bringing convenience to our life.






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