
关于”2020上海“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Shanghai 2020。以下是关于2020上海的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。


关于”2020上海“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Shanghai 2020。以下是关于2020上海的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Shanghai 2020



1. 城市环境:干净整洁,空气新鲜,有公园和花园,少染;

2. 交通:交通便利,有地铁和公交车,骑自行车也很方便;

3. 教育:有优质的学校和教育资源,可以得到很好的教育;

4. 就业:有很多工作机会,可以找到满意的工作;

5. 生活:丰富多彩的文化活动和娱乐设施,可以享受快乐生活。


Hello everyone! Today, I would like to share with you my ideal city.

In my ideal city, the environment is clean and tidy. The air is fresh and there are many parks and gardens. There is very little pollution, which makes it pleasant to live in.

Another important aspect of my ideal city is convenient transportation. We have subways and buses, which make it easy to travel around the city. Riding bikes is also very convenient. With such convenient transportation, we can save time and energy when getting around.

Education is crucial in my ideal city. There are high-quality schools and abundant educational resources. We can receive excellent education and develop our potential to the fullest.

Furthermore, my ideal city offers numerous job opportunities. People can find satisfying jobs and make a living. The city provides a favorable environment for everyone's career development.

Last but not least, my ideal city provides a colorful life. There are various cultural activities and entertainment facilities. We can enjoy a happy and fulfilling life.

In conclusion, my ideal city is a place with a clean environment, convenient transportation, excellent education, abundant job opportunities, and a vibrant life. I believe that with everyone's effort, we can work together to build our ideal city.









2020 Shanghai College Entrance Examination English Essay

2020 is an extraordinary year, especially for high school students in Shanghai. It is a year of great significance. In this special year of the college entrance examination, let us explore the impact of the exam on us and how we should cope with it.

For many high school students, the college entrance examination is an important test in their lives. Whether it is the past efforts in reviewing or the preparation for future university life, the exam carries many expectations and pressures. However, due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the national college entrance examination schedule has also changed. This undoubtedly presents a huge challenge for candidates preparing for the exam.

The postponement of the college entrance examination not only means longer preparation time but also requires candidates to adjust their mentality better to face this challenge. During this period, many candidates have actively sought opportunities for online learning in order to better prepare for the exam. Although this may be a new attempt for some candidates, by actively adapting to and flexibly utilizing online learning resources, they can better grasp knowledge.

On the other hand, the COVID-19 pandemic has given us more to think about. During this extraordinary period, we should pay more attention to the health and safety of our lives, which makes us realize more deeply that health is the primary need of life. I believe that through this experience, many candidates have realized this point and will cherish their health more.

In any case, no matter how the form of the college entrance examination changes, we should maintain an optimistic and positive attitude. The college entrance examination is an experience in life. It not only tests our mastery of academic knowledge but, more importantly, cultivates our ability to withstand pressure, solve problems, and self-manage. As long as we treat the exam with the right mentality, we will become stronger and more confident individuals afterwards.

Finally, I would like to extend my sincerest wishes to all candidates partiting in the 2020 Shanghai college entrance examination. Regardless of the results, your efforts and contributions will not be forgotten. I believe that all of you will welcome a brighter and more meaningful future!





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