
关于”电影的影响“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The impact of movies。以下是关于电影的影响的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”电影的影响“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The impact of movies。以下是关于电影的影响的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The impact of movies

Saving Private Ryan Forrest Gump Winston grooming match stick male Pro Mel Gibson I'm legendary Francis Lawrence Richard Matheson Omega Man / /: (Steven Spielberg): Thomas kenelli (Steven zalien): (Liam Nissen) Oscar Schindler (Ben Kingsley) Itzhak Stern (Ralph) ·Amon Goss (Caroline Goodall) Emily Schindler (embbeth davitz) Helen Hirsch /:///.




The Influence of Movies


Movies have a profound impact on our lives. They not only entertain us but also educate, inspire, and shape our thoughts and actions. Whether it's a captivating story, memorable characters, or thought-provoking themes, movies have the power to leave a lasting impression on us.


One of the notable influences of movies is their impact on language learning. English language learners often find watching movies as an effective way to improve their language skills. By watching films in their original language, learners get exposed to various accents, vocabulary, and colloquial expressions. They can also learn about different cultural contexts and gain a better understanding of the language nuances.


Moreover, movies offer insights into different cultures and enhance intercultural understanding. They provide a window into the traditions, customs, and ways of life in different parts of the world. By watching foreign films, we develop empathy and a sense of appreciation for diverse cultures. This exposure to different perspectives broadens our horizons and encourages us to embrace diversity.


Furthermore, movies have the power to influence our emotions and inspire us. A well-told story can evoke a wide range of emotions, such as joy, sadness, fear, or excitement. Movies often portray characters who face challenges, overcome obstacles, and achieve their dreams. These stories can motivate us to pursue our own goals and remind us of the strength within us. They can also spark important conversations and drive social change by shedding light on relevant issues.


In conclusion, movies have a significant influence on our lives. They contribute to language learning, promote intercultural understanding, and inspire us to be better individuals. With their ability to entertain and educate, movies will continue to shape our thoughts, actions, and perspectives.



There is no doubt that watching TV and movies will affect people's behavior. In addition, people seem to spend more and more time watching some kind of visual entertainment, whether it is TV, video or DVD. Therefore, the effect of visual media can not be ignored.

The obvious effect of these media is to watch them and induce people to buy certain products. TV advertits are very common. Even cinemas allow advertits.

Another way for TV and movies to influence people is to let people see a wider world or a distorted world, what kind of programs they watch, and people who watch news and educational programs can learn a lot of new things, and those who are mainly engaged People watching entertainment programs may believe that most of the world's people have great wealth and beauty, which may eventually make them dissatisfied with their own lives. Perhaps the most vulnerable audience is children. They may not be able to distinguish the facts from novels, and may try to imitate the behaviors they see on TV or movies.

With the increasing popularity of video entertainment, the society has become increasingly dissatisfied TV and movies, though entertaining and informative, cannot replace real experience.






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