拾起用英语怎么说 拾起的英语翻译

拾起的英语为"  get",还可以翻译为gather up,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到67个与拾起相关的翻译和例句。

拾起用英语怎么说 拾起的英语翻译

拾起的英语为"  get",还可以翻译为gather up,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到67个与拾起相关的翻译和例句。

put away tidy away away get apart ( 收拾起来 )

A Passage to Childhood Pich Up Childhood ( 拾起童年 )

quiet ring on pickup ( 拾起静音 )

pick up the receiver ( 拾起话筒 )

pick up sth pick sth up ( 拾起某物 )

2. Finally, he picks hisself out a bush big as a piano.

3. He picks up the envelope, brushes himself off and walks back to his car.

4. Things are going to pick up.

5. - Once your sand-like shell breaks and your heart crumbles?

6. Lift him, brother! Lingesa!

7. an ungainly attempt to retrieve the fallen serviette

8. ♪ Pick up your million shattered pieces ♪

9. After each assault, we pick up the pieces, and carry on.

10. We're depending on you, okay? i've done it a lot of times, okay? You got to get used to it.

11. That's why we were picked.

12. "and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire and burned."

13. The burro picked up the basket.

14. it'll be picked up in the morning.

15. My long hair flying in the wind, my veil partly covering my face




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