学习在线用英语怎么说 学习在线英语翻译

学习在线用英语翻译为"near online",还可以翻译为online,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到80个与学习在线相关的释义和例句。

学习在线用英语怎么说 学习在线英语翻译

学习在线用英语翻译为"near online",还可以翻译为online,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到80个与学习在线相关的释义和例句。

3. - ...still holding for you.

4. We're plugged in; we're connected.

5. i've got the networks on the hook.

6. Support vector machines (SVM), a power machine learning algorithm, were applied to the self-learning of FLC.


7. Well, my goal is to study interior decorating online.

8. Their online security is flawless.

9. President Wei is on the line now.

10. Online learning at these institutions "has been growing very fast, " Dr. Poley says.


11. it is whether they learn from it.

12. i want to study... and learn...

13. We're plugged in; we're connected.

14. if anybody asks, you're into short-term futures.

15. You know, first you gotta learn computers and then go for a decorator's license online.





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