祝贺用英语怎么说 祝贺的英语翻译


祝贺用英语怎么说 祝贺的英语翻译


Expressing good wishes and congratulations Expressing wishes and congratulations Good Wishes and Co( 祝愿和祝贺 )

Congratulations Celebrate you congratulations to you Complimenti ( 祝贺你 )

Congratulate of love Love's Wish ( 爱之祝贺 )

congratulate sb. on sth congratulations to sb congratulations to do sb ( 祝贺某人 )

Congratulations felicitations Congratulates you gefeliciteerd ( 祝贺您 )

Congratulations on a birthday Birthday Birthday Celebrations Celebrating Birthday ( 祝贺生日 )

1. [ Baby Crying ] lt's for you.

2. Just sent this over. Congratulations.

3. - Oh, wow! - Congratulations.

7. Congratulations... on your success, on your show... on everything.

译文:祝贺你... 祝贺你的画展,你的成功... 祝贺你所有的一切。

11. Congratulation! Go and win!

12. Sedgewick, congratulations.

13. Congratulations. i mean it.

14. You all show some love for JSJ!

15. Congrats to the champions!





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