德国城市用英语怎么说 德国城市英语翻译

德国城市在英语中的翻译是"  deutsche Staedte",在日常中也可以翻译为"  cities in germany",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到22个与德国城市相关的释义和例句。

德国城市用英语怎么说 德国城市英语翻译

德国城市在英语中的翻译是"  deutsche Staedte",在日常中也可以翻译为"  cities in germany",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到22个与德国城市相关的释义和例句。

Other Cities in Germany ( 德国其他城市版块 )

1. SAARLAND, the smallest German state without the excuse of being just a city, is a thumbnail caricature of Germany.


2. The Rhineland city of Cologne and all Germany went wild with relief and delight.

3. German occupied town of Lille, France

4. There was a plane crash in Dusseldorf yesterday.

5. (Horrocks) They came to me and said, "Do you want Cleves taking out?"

译文:然后他们来找我 并说,"你想要把 克莱沃城(德国西北城市)干掉吗?"。

6. A city of southwest Germany on the Neckar River north-northwest of Stuttgart.

7. Looking towards Berlin from their fastnesses in the Ruhr and southern Germany.

8. The 2 teams have only 7 men each due to limited space.

译文:在德国德累斯顿是"文化的代言词", 德国萨克森州首府和第一大城市,德国十大主要城市之一, 德国东部仅次于首都柏林的第二大城市。由于场地限制每个足球队只有7个球员。

9. its cities germanized or would completely be arrasadas.

10. Munich is a city in Germany.

11. A city of southwest Germany on the Neckar River north-northwest of Stuttgart.

12. i've been to London, Vienna, Rome, Warsaw and of course to German cities

13. - in all the large German cities.

14. The German city of Dresden came top with its hotels receiving the highest ratings and most positive reviews from guests.


15. Oxford is twinned with Bonn in Germany.


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