帕维尔用英语怎么说 帕维尔的英语翻译

帕维尔的英语为"Pawel",还网络中常译为"  Ernst Pawel",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到94个与帕维尔相关的短语释义和例句。

帕维尔用英语怎么说 帕维尔的英语翻译

帕维尔的英语为"Pawel",还网络中常译为"  Ernst Pawel",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到94个与帕维尔相关的短语释义和例句。


2. it's been great also to hear that i would replace Pavel Nedved one day there.


3. Pavel Ettinger (1866-1948) - a famous art critic and collector.

译文:帕维尔·艾丁格(1866 - 1948)——著名的艺术评论家和收藏家。

4. According to a former KGB general, Pavel Sudoplatov, Roosevelt had at least two Soviet agents in his inner cabinet.


5. Bondarev, Pavel Sergeyevich.

6. You going to the settlement?

7. The Director's office called. You're to call Comrade Pavelka.

8. Pavelka was trying to find you.

9. Fast-Pavel. We do not have much time.

10. Alright, Pavel Sergeyevich, that was really funny.

11. Views of profitability depend on when you bought the asset and the assumptions made at the time, says Pavel Gurin, the chief executive of ZAO Raiffeisenbank, which is owned by Austria's RZB Group.


12. -Pavel, there is something else.

13. They killed Petrukha, Pavel Artemyich!

14. His name is Pavel Scheftel.

15. Pavel Baev studies the Caucasus rebel movement from the international Peace Research institute in Oslo, Norway.




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