道心用英语怎么说 道心的英语翻译

道心通常被翻译为"tao mind -"的意思,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到69个与道心相关的译文和例句。

道心用英语怎么说 道心的英语翻译

道心通常被翻译为"tao mind -"的意思,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到69个与道心相关的译文和例句。

1. multichannel electrocardiograph(多道心电图机;多通道心电图仪)

2. single channel electrocardiograph(单通道心电图机)

multichannel electrocardiograph ( 多道心电图机 )

fast tracking cardiac anesthesia fast-track cardiac anesthesia ( 快通道心脏 )

ethics philosophy moral philosophy ( 道德心理学 )

sakadagami-maggacitta ( 斯陀含道心 )

TEAP esophageal atrial pulsation modulation Transesophageal atrial pacing ( 食道心房调搏 )

ethical idealism ethical idealism moralisch idealismus ( 道德的唯心主义 )

Transesophageal Atrial Pacing ( 食道心房调博 )

arahatta-maggacitta ( 阿罗汉道心 )

1. Now, i understand. i get how therapy works. i really do.

2. i don't know exactly where her heart is. i think it's right here.

3. i mean, love's only such a great thing because you know what it feels like to get your heart broken.

译文:我的意思是,爱情是这样伟大 因为你知道心要爆炸的感觉是怎样的。

4. Today, we know that the heart is not the source of love or the other emotions, per se; the ancients were mistaken.

译文:今天,我们知道心脏不是爱 或其他情感的源头, 古人弄错了。

5. Courage is the key that opens every door

译文:Courage is the key that opens every door 用勇气是打开每一道心锁。

6. Because the Atman, the Lord of the mind, is unchangeable, the mind's fluctuations are always known to it.


7. Objective To understand the value of the transesophageal pacing in test of atrio-ventricular conduction function.

8. You you start, kind of, you know mind-playing things.

9. i just got into town, and the psychological interview is tomorrow.

10. Kristen, don't start with me. You know what your shrink said.

11. Come on. Really, what's going on?

12. You know what your shrink says, you're just trying to get attention!

13. But he was bound to a loving Dhampir guardian who always knew what was in his heart and mind.

译文:但他一定是个忠诚的拜尔族保护者 知道心中所想所念的是什么。

14. Conrad had often professed that he led a life of the mind.

15. You may know the common symptoms of a heart attack: chest pain, arm pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, et cetera ...


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