换成用英语怎么说 换成的英语翻译

换成的英语是"  change into",还经常被译作  change to,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到85个与换成相关的释义和例句。

换成用英语怎么说 换成的英语翻译

换成的英语是"  change into",还经常被译作  change to,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到85个与换成相关的释义和例句。

2. personnel replacement cost(人员更换成本)

3. redemption in gold([财]兑换成黄金)

change into Cbool NURBS convert into ( 转换成 )

1. How 'bout a instead?

5. Converts matter to energy, energy to matter directly.

6. in Turkish money, that is...

7. if you were one of my boys,

8. Well, you will run off on your own.

9. would you cash these in for me, please?

10. Just change it to, like, Golf Channel or something.

11. - i only want what i gave you.

12. And has been replaced by you... with this.

13. it's been switched for a real one.

14. Get rid of the dogs and keep the kittens.

15. Cash me in for the rest of these s.




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